Chapter XXII

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"Hey!" Trevor smiled as he met Camila who was  tuning her guitar by the stage.

"Oh, hey." The brunette smiled as she looked up.

"I never knew you played." Trevor smiled as he sat down in front of the brunette.

"Camila." Shawn smiled as he appeared out of nowhere. The brunette turned to him and smiled as well.

"Shawn, this is Trevor, Trevor, this is Shawn." Camila said as she introduced them.

"Hey man." Trevor said as he stood his hand out.

"Hey." Shawn greeted as he shook his hand.

"So, I was going to ask you about tomorrow?" Shawn smiled while Trevor looked at him.

"We're going out tomorrow right?" Trevor said. Camila looked at both guys as they gave each other a glare.

"I asked her out first bro." Shawn said as he gently pushed Trevor.

"Hands off me man." Trevor said as he reciprocated the gesture.

"Stop it!" Camila exclaimed as she went in between the two.

"He started it!" Trevor said as he looked at Shawn.

"You're trying to get her from me." Shawn said.

"She was mine first!" Trevor exclaimed.

"You wish. She was mine first!" Shawn said.

"I'm not a thing!" Camila yelled in frustration as both guys stopped.

"Stop acting like I'm some sort of prize! I'm not something to be owned! None of you owns me!" Camila said as she walked out the place.

"What happened?" Mr. H said as he was passed by a pissed Camila.

"What did you two do?" Ally said as she reached both guys, followed by Troy.

"Nothing!" Shawn and Trevor said in unison.

"Boys, first of all you don't treat woman like they are some sort of prize possession." A lady beside stage said. Shawn was about to defend himself when the old woman spoke up again.

"Don't try to lie to me, you were both arguing about who has her first." Both guys sighed.

"What the hell?!" Dinah said as she emerged from behind Troy and Ally followed by Normani.

"The hell did you two do to Mila?" Normani said angrily.

"Calm down, I got this." Troy said.

"You should both be ashamed of yourselves." Mr. H. said.

"You're both claiming what isn't yours in the first place." Troy said as she looked at both guys in disapproval.

"But Camila isn't even wit-"

"Shut up Shawn! You're not in the right place to say that, You can't decide whether you can date Camila or not, hell you don't have the rights to say she's yours and label her status." Ally said obviously mad.

"And you! You've played her once in High School what are your motives huh?!" Ally said as she pointed at Trevor.

"You two are like immature shits." Dinah said as she walked away pulling Normani with her.

"I understand that you like Camila, but dudes. Respect her, don't label her bros." Troy said as he pulled Ally away from them.

"I suggest both of you leave this place now if you're just going to cause trouble." Mr. H said as he walked away.

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