Chapter XI

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Lauren woke up to the sound of the waves hitting the shore, the room was in a shade of navy blue with a subtle touch of orange passing through the gaps of the curtains. Last night had been something so memorable for the two of them, it was something that both of them would treasure forever. The green-eyed girl had seen the side of Camila that only she had the privilege to see, both of them breaking their walls of protection and showing their vulnerability to each other. Lauren was cut out of trance when she felt Camila move in her arms.

"Camz?" Lauren softly said as she placed a kiss on Camila's bare shoulders. Camila had her back turned against Lauren and head on her girlfriend's left arm. Lauren had her right hand placed on the younger ones abdomen, holding her protectively while their legs tangled together. Lauren smiled as Camila backed up to her and and snuggled closer, warmth radiating on her naked body. Camila gave Lauren the gift of innocence, in which Lauren was hesitant at first. The green-eyed girl was scared of taking something so pure, while Camila gently calmed her down.

"Are you sure?" Lauren asked as she bit her lip while Camila nodded.

"I'm not the type to jump into sudden situation Lo, you know that." Camila smiled.

"Aren't you scared? What If I'm just with you to get your innocence? What If I leave the next day?" Lauren asked, Camila shrugged in response.

"Camz, you've already given me the best gift for my birthday. You've given me the chance to call you mine. Remember how you told me you won't answer me yet until I'm on the edge of stopping on smoking?" Lauren chuckled.

"But today it was you who asked me to be your girlfriend, and I haven't even fully stopped yet. There are days where I still smoke."

"Because I know deep down in my heart that you're trying, and that you're nearly there." Camila smiled happily as she watched the sky with Lauren.

"I'm not rushing you Lo, incase you're getting the wrong idea." Camila chuckled as she continued on.

"I'm just saying that this night or early morning, for your birthday. I'm giving you all of me, every bit of me."

"Sometimes I really wonder if I was a saint in my past life to deserve someone like you." Lauren said as she kissed Camila's cheek.

"I'm not going to take advantage of your vulnerability, not yet. We'll get to there Camz, I want to make it special for the both of us." Lauren said as Camila stood up from the yacht's hood and gently held her hand out for Lauren to take.

"Well, then let's go inside because I feel the need to shower." Camila chuckled as Lauren stood up and they walked inside.

"Fuck." Lauren groaned as Camila stepped out the bathroom in a black laced sleepwear lingerie.

"What's up?" Camila chuckled at Lauren who quickly gulped down her red wine.

"Do you always sleep like that?" Lauren asked as she pertained to Camila's clothing choice.

"Sometimes I do, it's comfy." Camila replied as Lauren stood up from the bed.

"I think tonight you shouldn't." Lauren said as she started walking towards the brunette, who looked at her confused.

"You don't like it?" Camila asked worried, Lauren shook her head as she stepped closer to Camila, holding the brunette's arm gently.

"I love it. In fact, I love it too much I might be blessing the floor with your outfit tonight." Lauren husked in Camila's ear as she pressed Camila against the wall, raising her hands above her head and pinning it there.

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