| Chapter 17: The Spark |

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A/N: The fan art above was drawn by me a few days ago, specifically for this chapter. I hope you like it and enjoy chapter 17 of Opposite Worlds!


"Oh Shadow! Thank you so much! If it weren't for your help, I would've been redoing this spell for hours. Oh thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!"

Twilight continued to babble about how grateful she was for Shadow's help, not noticing Shadow uncomfortably laying on the hard floor before her until she heard an anguished groan.

She gazed down, her excitement instantly replaced with guilt.

"Sweet Celestia! I'm so sorry Shadow! I didn't mean too-"

Her ear twitched as another groan escaped the obsidian hedgehog.

Why did I agree on letting her stay in MY house?

He thought to himself, starting to regret his decision.

A/N: A special shout out to Midnightshards2003 for voting chapter 1 of Opposite Worlds! Thank you so much for your supporting my story! ^^

And without further ado...

After what felt like eternity, may I present to you, chapter 17 of Opposite Worlds!


"I'm s-so sorry Sh-Shadow...I-I shouldn't have let my excitement get the best of me."

Twilight apologized for what seemed like the hundredth time with the same guilt-ridden expression on her face.

The recovering hedgehog who laid on the couch only replied with the same nonchalant response as before with a hint of annoyance.

"It's fine Twilight. After all, it was a minor fall, it shouldn't take long for me to recover, especially with chaos energy in hand."


The lavender girl shamefully looked down as she bit her lip, lightly hugging herself.

This is all my fault...

Her conscience mumbled.

Maybe I could...n-no...I've done enough enough already...

Her brows furrowed

B-But I can't just stand around and do nothing. It just doesn't feel right!

Her grip tightened upon her arms as she grew frustrated and more conflicted.

But should I-Oh forget it!

Without thinking, Twilight swiftly teleported on top of Shadow.

The dark-furred hedgehog immediately reacted to this, his eyes widening.

"Twilight! What are y-"

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