| Chapter 5: Surprise! |

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Hmm...lets try brushing my hair using magic, she thought to herself as she imagined herself using magic to brush her untamed hair.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the brush levitating towards her hair, brushing it at a steady pace.

"EEEEEEEEEKKKKKK!!!" She squealed cheerfully, hopping up and down in place like an overjoyed bunny rabbit.

"W-What's going on?! ARE YOU OK?!"

A/N: I own the drawing above, I hope y'all like it and enjoy chapter 5 of Opposite Worlds. 😊


"W-What's going on? ARE YOU OK?!"

Twilight turned her head just to see a overly-concerned bat.

"Oh h-hey Rouge and of course I'm ok, why wouldn't I be," she giggled happily, slightly startled from the bat's sudden outburst.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because you squealed so loud that I could hear you from the living room," she mumbled sarcastically as she rose a brow at the younger möbian.

"What were you squealing about anyways?"

"U-Uh nothing."

Rouge sighed in disbelief.

"Come on Twilight, why did you really squeal, and don't you dare say it was 'nothing'."

The lavender möbian gazed over at the female bat who had her arms crossed, tapping her foot as she waited for the girl's response.

Twilight sighed in defeat.

"How about I show you."

Rouge only nodded as Twilight turned back around to the counter, her gaze landing back on the idle brush.

She did the same thing as last time and deeply concentrated.

Within a few seconds, she was able to successfully levitate the brush as it began to float above her hand.

The lavender möbian turned back to Rouge so she could see the levitating brush.

The bat's eyes widened, surprised that she could levitate so well.


Twilight chuckled at her comical reaction as the brush still aimlessly floated in the air.

"At first, it was a bit difficult to, but I think I've got the hang of it now."

"Despite your outburst yesterday at Shadow's house, I'm still shocked. Why didn't you mention that you can levitate?"

"I-It must have slipped my mind," she giggled nervously receiving an expression of disbelief from the bat.

"After all, I find th-that m-my magic is difficult to use i-in my current f-form."

Rouge hummed to signal the girl that she was listening.

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