| Chapter 21: Loneliness |

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A/N: I do NOT own the beautiful fan art above! All credit goes to the rightful owner!


Cream quickly ran to her side with a genuinely concerned expression on her face.

"Twilight! Are you ok?!"

"Y-yeah, I just lost my balance. Me being clumsy and all."

Cream giggled with Twilight as she helped her up.

"So, are you ready to come out yet? My mama, Ms. Rouge and Mr. Shadow have been worried about you."

The faint memory of a concerned Shadow calling out to the pony-möbian as he held her in his arms plagued in Twilight's mind.

"Yes, I'm ready."


It had been a week since the G.U.N. incident and ever since then, Twilight had to "lay low," as Shadow stated to avoid being seen or noticed in public. Ever since the alarm had been set off during the incident, the G.U.N. agency had been more alert than ever.

Newer and more sensitive security systems had been set in place throughout the agency. Even G.U.N. agents had been sent outside of the agency to keep an eye out for potential threats.

This meant that there were even agents disguised as regular, everyday möbians within malls, stores, parks, and other public areas, all in search of the possible suspect who set off the alarm.

Despite Twilight's möbian form mostly blending in with other möbians, there was a chance that those disguised G.U.N. agents could identify her as a suspect for her seeming different in the slightest. Therefore, Shadow and Rouge were able to convince her to stay out of the public eye, at least until the commotion about the G.U.N. incident dies down.

While Twilight understood why they wanted her to stay inside, the pony-möbian couldn't help but feel imprisoned being stuck in Shadow's house. The worse thing about staying there was the loneliness that accompanied her.

Twilight sighed in boredom, curled up in a blanket on her bed, as she grabbed a fourth book from a mini book case that Shadow had placed in her room. Shortly after she had moved into his place a couple of weeks ago, the books along with the bookcase was given to her as a welcome gift after he discovered her love for books.

Even though she was more than grateful for the books, they alone didn't cure her boredom as well as her loneliness.

"I miss him..."

She murmured in her mind...

"You miss who?"

...Or so she thought.

The lavender girl slightly jumped in surprise as she heard a familiar deep voice respond to her mumbled comment. Her gaze hastily traveling up from the bland pages of her book just see a slightly curious ebony hedgehog gazing upon her.

"H-How did you get in here?!"

She blurted out, a faint red tint appearing on her warm cheeks.

𝕆𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕎ꨄ︎𝕣𝕝𝕕𝕤Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora