| Chapter 16: The Very Unknown |

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A/N: I do not own this amazing fan art. All credit goes to it's rightful owner.


"We have to try breaking out of here so we can find Twilight! For all we know, she could be in great danger!"

An agitated young dragon exclaimed, anxiously biting his claws.

"That won't be necessary."

A venomous laugh roaringly echoed within the dungeon walls, startling the captives. Despite being temporarily shocked, they all knew that troublesome voice all to well.

"King Sombra!"

A/N: Special Shout outs to fizee202 , loneycupcakelol , Ellaelisebrown and mariliahelena2000 for all of the amazing support! 💖

Without further ado, I present to you chapter 16 of Opposite Worlds!


King Sombra cackled once more as he crept from the shadowed entrance of the dungeon. The green spiked dragon was quick on his feet, tightly graping the tarnished bars of his cell.

"What did you do to Twilight!?"

He questioned, bitterness heavily coating his words.

The villainous King only smirked at the dragon's attempt of being seemingly intimidating, but he could sense the fear radiating off of him.

The sky-blue pegasus began to growl as her patience grew weak.

"I swear if you've done something to her I'll-"

"You'll do what? From what I can see, you're imprisoned in a cursed dungeon, without your little gems AND you're rendered completely useless, so PLEASE tell me what you'll do to me, I would LOVE to know."

Rainbow snapped back, greatly irritated at his sarcastic tone.

"Just wait until we break out of here!"

"I'd like to see you try."

He taunted as her face reddened in anger. She was ready to bite back, but was immediately interrupted by a firm voice.

"You never answered the question. What DID you do to Twilight?"

The dark unicorn wickedly chuckled before responding.

"I find it amusing how you assume I did anything to your precious Twilight, especially since I did absolutely nothing to her."

"You're bluffing!"

The irritated pegasus retorted, her brows furrowed as she fixed her glare on him.

"Rainbow, h-he could be t-telling the truth."

A timid pegasus muttered, feeling a great amount of tension in the dingy atmosphere.

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