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"How about you head back to bed and if you need me I will be on the couch," He said and I felt the presence of a warm hand at the bottom of my back that led me to bed.

Stuttering, I manage to make out an 'okay' and covered myself up. "See you in the morning?" I lay on my side facing away from the door.

To be completely honest, he was intimidating. Though, he is closest person I have yet come such a short way to trust. I don't know whether to trust him or not. He has to earn my trust just like everyone else. Shutting people out has just been my 'thing'.

"Yes," hearing the creaks in his steps I assume he was gone and shut my eyes. Hearing the steps come back up to turn off the lamp, I shot my eyes open and asked him, "what should I call you, green eyes? Or would you prefer that?"

"Oh," he paused, "did I forget to introduce myself? I'm peter, Peter Pan." The only light left in the room flashed away and I was left there out of breath. (SORRY THT WAS BADIM PrObs GOING TO FIX THIS ANOTHER TIME KAY? KAY.)

"No way." I let out, "that can't be." Realizing how exhausted I was, I decide that's enough to attempt to comprehend for one day and close my eyes and drift into deep slumber.

My dream of still being at home with Papa and Bubba still at home was interupted by banging on wood, "Pan! One of the boys have tried to escape! Apparently he stole your pixie dust." Thinking it didnt involve me I pull the covers over my head and groan mentally, or out loud. Very loud.

"Pan!" Someone ripped my blanket and I start getting cranky, yeah, I know. It's so mainstream to not be a morning person. Shut up! Instead of yelling, I groan even louder and grab the blanket and try to sleep again. "A-A girl?" He stuttered with his british accent. At least I thought it was British. Maybe Australian, South African?What's with every guy I meet he has a british accent? ugh. My mind said 'leave him alone' but my so-called 'common sense' said differently.

"My lord, what do you need? He should be downstairs on the couch!" I say clearly annoyed at my awakening. Again, he stutters and I eventually hear the same creaks of the stairs fade except in a faster pace. Sighing in relief, I hear someone come back up. "Oh for love of-" I see the boy. Dirty beunette hair pushed to the uside, bright blue eyes and a nervous smile looking straight at me.

"Excuse me, do you know where Pan is?" I raise my eyebrow with confusion. He said he'd be on the couch if I needed him. Hmm. "Like his thinking tree or maybe went to make a deal with the mermaids?"

"Okay, what the hell." I sit up on the bed facing the boy with my legs crossed. My gown slightly riding up my thighs, but I shrug it off. "First he says his name is Peter Pan. Then you're telling me that he makes deals with mermaids?" My head began to spin and I start to rant. "What the heck is this place?"

"I'd prefer him to tell you, not me. What's your name anyways?" He spits at me telling me that I was getting annoying. I shake my head.

"You first, blue eyes." I sassily throw my words at him really wanting to flip my hair but kept it in.

Hesitation spread on his face and he spoke, "Caspar. Now you, angel. "

Wow, he could mimick me. I'm so impressed. Mumbling to myself being my childish self I say my name, "Rosie, Rosie Grace." I curtsied and started thinking where to go to find pan. "I don't know if you have a thing against girls not but you're just going to have to deal with me for a bit longer 'till we find the boy. Okay?" I look around for my clothes and tell Caspar to go downstairs. After slipping on my clothes, I begin to think about Caspar. He is cute. Mentally slapping myself I squeeze my eyes shut and slightly trip on the last step.

"Rather eager to see me, angel," blue eyes said. What's up with everyone being a cocky asshole? Am I that much of a brat? Eh, maybe I deserve it. I laugh at my thoughts and he shoots a look of confusion.

I wave my hand practically shooing his face away. "First," I poke his cheek, "before we go on an adventure, give me a good reason to trust you."

"Well, I'm Pans' most loyal subject if that means anything to you," maybe I could get some answers from this kid. Or maybe if pan ever turns on me I could use him. Wait, why would Pan ever turn on me? I should be his ally, right?


Why hellooooooo beautiful :)

How are you? I'm pretty good but feeling devilishly handsome today.

It's mondayyyyy! So here you go, your weekly crappy update. I know my writing is utter shit but I'm trying to improve. And uh, the pictures attached to the chapters almost have nothing to do with the story so please be aware if that.

Umm..... valentines day is coming soon!! Aren't we all sO ExcITEd!

Okay thank you for your time.

Stay bloody inspired my lost girls


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