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The invisible force of emotions tugged at the edges of my lips and I speak, "Perfect, now let's head out and look for him." Nearly skipping I see Pan on the couch his hand over his chest with a note. I mutter, "Bloody hell," I strut over to him and look at the shocked Caspar.

"You're an amazing actor, now why did you need me down here." The boy stutters and looks between me and the man in slumber. "You know what I don't want to hear it." I walk over to green eyes and squat down to his face level and he turns his head to face me. Still sleeping and completely unaware of me.

After a few minutes of admiring his face I take the note out of his hand. The moment I opened it, the paper was swiped and I heard a raspy voice. "It's rude to look at people's stuff now princess," he holds his head in his left hand and the note in the right. He preps his leg up for support to get up.

I look at him dead in the eye and stand back up. Is he bipolar or something? "More than likely," I say scoffing at my thoughts.

As he continued to look in the blackness of my eyes his flashed green. I couldn't tell if he was angry or surprised. Pan looked over to Caspar and asked what the deal was, he explained that someone stole his pixie dust. "Caspar, don't worry about it. You know the only way off this island and he can't use that pixie dust."

Caspars face then softened, "Alright, should I prepare the boys for training today, Pan?" He scrunched up his face and decided to let the boys have a day off only because it's my first day. He seems so nice, but by the look of Caspar I think I should be afraid of him. Then again, maybe they don't have magic like us.

Why blame them, my magic is harmful. I caused pain to Pan and didn't even try. They should be terrified of me if they are just scared of Pan. My thoughts trail off and and Caspar and Pans' conversation become indistinct to me. I slip off my jacket and lay on the couch to go back to sleep. I feel a light-weight blanket lay upon me and I snuggle up to it for more warmth and comfort.

Time flew by and I eventually woke up and I heard the creaks towards the steps. Assuming that it was Pan, I pretended to be asleep. Eh, I didn't really want to get up anyways. As I sensed steps coming closer, I felt a hand on my shoulder shaking me slightly, I just groan and turn around facing the couch cushion as a response. He does it rougher this time and I sit up with my back hunched over.

I fake a smile and yawn while running a hand through my hair. Pan begins to speak, "Princess, you should sit up straight helps your back." Waving him off I get on my feet and head to the staircase to finish my nap upstairs.

I'm ten spun around by my wrist and I blankly look at the tall fellow. "Today's your first day we should get to know eachother a little more. Judging you'll be here a while," he holds out his hand and I whine.

"Right now?" I let out childishly. He huffs probably annoyed. "Fine, what time is it?" I say rubbing my eyes.

Pan takes a look outside the window quickly, "Mmm, two maybe three o'clock." He drapes the cloth over the window and the room goes dull. "Go upstairs and on the bed is some clothes from your closet, the other realm. I thought if you're going to be here then you might as well be comfortable." Pan snaps his fingers and I nod. Obeying him, I go to the staircase and start skipping every other step. I arrive to the bed and grab the folded white dress and black cardigan and my black leggings. I wore this on my last birthday, the day I became 17. I hold it to my chest and rub the fabric with my thumb. Realizing Pan was waiting for me I close the door and strip down leaving me in my undergarments. I slip it on like a shirt and pull it down and it drapes to my middle-thigh. I grab the leggings and pull them on. The cardigan I decide to put it on, on my way downstairs. My bare feet clap against the wood and Pan appears in front of me, "What's the rush?" Panting for a second, I calm down and look at the floor. "Eager to see me, I suppose?" He tilts my chin up to look at him. He towers me so it's quite diffucult to look at him. I mean, I'm like 4'11 so you know what do you expect?

Pan let's go a little rougher than expected. "Yes, if I'm going to trust you in this new land, then I'd prefer to know you." After I'm done spitting my my words at him I calm myself.

"Oh princess, you have plenty of time to get to know me. Needn't to rush." He slurs his accent around as if toying with it. He turns around and paces towards the coffee table and back to me, "Now, tell me what you know," he said as of more of a demand rather than a request.

I decide to sit on the couch and I take rediculously long steps and one I arrive I sit and cross my legs and lay back upon the cushions. "Well, I know you live off of your cockiness, I'm aware you have powers," a chuckle made it's way out of me, "you know, I'm still having trouble taking this all in, you being the oh-so famous Peter Pan. Caspar saying earlier you make deals with mermaids. What are you gonna tell me now?" I hold my hands out as I ramble, "That my dad is actually Robin Hood?"

His hair bounces slightly as he spins on his heel, "You mean he hasn't told you? Oh, that's cruel. Not even telling his daughter who he really is." He then mutters to himself. How am I supposed to trust him if he keeps so much from me?

I then get up and stomp into his face, "Okay, that's it Pan," I point a finger and push him back and keep backing him up as I rant, "Why all the secrets, huh? And what's with the on and off attitude, and the boy? Did you take any other girls like me with him as well? And how am I so important to you, I'm not stupid. You wouldn't take someone unless you have a reason. What is that reason pan?" Green eyes flashed with something but I don't know what, I pinned himagainst the wall, "I want answers, Pan! And how did you happen to know about my powers? I didn't even know that I did, they were unleashed when you took me here!" I continue screaming in his face.

The smell of something burning filled my nose and I notice him practically biting hip bottom lip off. I release him and back up, I did it again. Groans of pain filled the air and he just said painfully, "Lesson one, healing."

"Hell no, I'm just going to make it worse," I say in fear. Another groan comes out and his blistered arms get worse and I give in. "Okay tell me how."

"Just think of your desire and imagine it, close your eyes if needed and wave your hands over my wounds." He says and I squeeze my eyes shut and hold my hand out hovering the blistered area, once I have my image of his healed arm I wave my hand over it a couple times gracefully like last night when he healed himself. I pull my hand away and open one eye and it worked.

I gasp, "It worked!" And I see Peter smile slightly then it quickly dissapears.

"Of course it did, you're learning from the best." There's his cockiness again. "Now let's take a walk princess, let me know more about you." A hand reaches out for mine and I decline but say something.

"We'll take a walk and learn about me after you give me some answers." I huff crossing my arms across my chest and turn around facing the opposing wall.

The moment I blink he is in front of me, and also dangerously close as well. "Sometimes, you have to find things out on your own, princess."

I apologize that this is not a Monday or Wednesday I mean to post yesterday and my mom took my phone away last night so I couldn't. We'll, hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment some stuff please? I would love to see what you have to say.

Stay bloody inspired my lost girls.


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