♡ 11 ♡

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"Oh my lord. I hadn't realized how hungry I actually was up until now." I wrote in my my black leather covered journal.

"I've been stuck in here for a couples days now and it's a bit irritating. Pan took away my books the other day because I sassed him." I let out a huge sigh. Why am I still in here? Honestly, Peter. Did I really really irritate you that much that I have to be stuck in here for days. I was provided with 2 meals and a bit of water.

"My throat hurts and I think I may be coming down with a cold. Peter won't care. He's fucking bipolar and doesn't know what he wants." I began to write with more frustration. I began to write about my buddy Michael, back home. "You know, even though he was a little shit. I loved him, well I loved seeing him. Talking to him, he made me happy and laugh. I miss you, bud." A breath blew on my neck as I straightened up and turned to see Lucifer.

"Oh, it's just you," I let out a breath.

"Oh, it's just you," he mocked me rudely. I giggled at the childish act. "So you're remembering 'Mikey' huh?"

I blushed and looked away, the nickname was one I made when we were younger. He said it was the first time a girl called him that, so the name stuck. My face softened and a tear pricked my eyes, "I may never see him again if I don't get out of here, Luci."

The curly haired boy swiftly moved around in the air in front of me and lifted me by my chin. "You'll get out, sweetheart. I promise." I didn't let the tear loose and I blinked it away, pushing the floating boy towards the bars.

Shifting positions, I was now laying belly faced the cot and my journal was open on the pillow. My fingers grasped the pen and wrote more, "I honestly don't know what to do at the moment. It's unbelievably boring in here. My mind is on its knees telling me to stretch my legs but I'm very limited on space here." I wrote more and more complaints and they eventually came to an end.

"Hello, Princess," the familiar voice rang in my ears as I closed my book. "Uh," he turned around,"why aren't you wearing pants Rosie?"

His words drew my attention to my lower half, I shrugged then realized he can't see. "Home is where the pants aren't, Why, is it a problem? Pan can't handle these blessed legs?" I say cockily and smirk.

They were just black boy shorts, they cover your bum so I don't know what the problem is. At this moment, Pan turns around again to look at me in the eye. "That's none of your concern, I've thought about your punishment and decided to give you a job for me."

Great, now get on with it buddy.

"I need you to keep spying on those people that you saw here on the island," he went on. My mouth opened to question him, but it made sense. They want him dead, so spy on them so he can avoid any attacks they plan. That'll put me in danger though, somewhat.

When he slowed down and eventually came to an end to his point I asked him a few questions, "Well Pan, will I have someone with me for one? And two, you took my switchblade, so what if I get into trouble and I need a weapon?"

He smiled, "Are you asking me to accompany you, Princess?" I scoffed, maybe a little.

My Irish accent in me came out, "No! Of course not!" Pan let out a chuckle.

"Well, I'm going to give Caspar another chance to prove himself to me and make sure you're safe at all times," he went on and Caspar came through the door and his eyes darted towards my bum and then he shielded his eyes. I looked down a still don't have pants.

I mumble and point at Pan,"c-can yo-you uh," I point at my legs. He waved his hand and I had on a pair of skinny jeans. they were a bit long so the bottom covered my feet a bit. I sat on the cot to pull them over my heels. "Sorry, Caspar."

Red flushed his cheeks and looked away from me and mumbled an, "it's okay." Pan looked at him with a questionable face and then tugged on his sleeve and waved his hand over the bar to reveal a secret cell door and he opened it. I walked through and I felt a wave of power through each of my veins. I strangely felt the best i had ever been, I rolled my shoulders back to feel taller and Pan smirked.

I smirked and blew him a kiss, as I walked away and Caspar following me. Weird part was i saw Pan touch his cheek and there was red on his fingers, along with a lipstick stain on his cheek as i walked downstairs.


I was walking and suddenly felt really bored. I began counting steps by 8's and 16's. Reminded me of last year when I was in colorguard. I was the co-captain with Elaina. Our duet with swing flags was great and we both moved to the band playing behind us in grace during the ballad. I remember having a crush on a guy named mark he was a trumpet player with red hair, he was pretty cute too. I would use him as my focus point for my turns and as a reminder to smile for the audience as I moved the swing flags through space.

I then thought of across the floors, I began to hum and began to dance slightly.

Then slightly turned into full put dancing and Caspar smiled. "Something make you happy or something, Rosie?"

I did an attidude jump and shassaed forward, "I guess you can say that." The more tired and bored I got the less I danced.

"Tired? Or is dancing not as fun without music?" Caspar looked at me in awe. I nodded and looked at him.

"I miss highschool a bit," I blurted out. We made eye contact and he blushed a bit. I just smiled. "sorry that was random. Hey, could you give me a piggy-back ride?"

He nodded and knelt down, I jumped onto his back and he continued walking through the forest holding my legs since I couldnt wrap them around his waist all the way. I laid my head on his shoulder and stayed like that for a while until i heard an extra pair of feet. My eye shot open and I whispered Caspar to stop. We both heard the feet behind us stop. I told him, "quickly, get on the tree now. " He creeped up to a tree and couldn't reach the branch,  I heard the steps coming closer and I squeezed my eyes shut and waved my hand and we were in the tree jumping in the air, he clutched a branch and slowly stood on the branch to keep balance. I held tight onto caspar and look down and we watched from above.

"How could you lose them? They were right there!" I heard a female voice muffled.

Then I saw the boy with blonde hair, "I'm sorry, miss. I don't know what happened. The footsteps stopped and when I came over to see what was up and they were gone."

"Fuckin' A, can't send off people to do your business if you want it done right. I'll be there soon, Phillip."

Caspar set me down and he climbed down to lower branches, "Phillip, huh?"

The tall man looked up at Caspar as he looked down on him. "Who are you?"

He shrugged, "I'm no special snowflake, but you'll see me a lot here, Phillip."

His eyes narrowed at me, "and why is that?"

Caspar put his hand behind my back as if shooing me and I began climbing higher and waited for Caspar to come back.


Hey guys sorry it's a short chapter. i know i've been gone for so long and this is what y'all get i'm really sorry. i haven't had any time at all. schools kicking me in the ass and it sucks. hopefully things will start calming down soon and i can get back on track :)

stay bloody inspired my lost girls


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