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I was half awake and half asleep, you know where you can hear everything that's going on around you but you don't want to get up because you're still sleepy? That's exactly how I feel. My thoughts drifted off to the boy earlier, yes the hooded boy. I never caught his name, but within the time he revealed his face I got a little glance of his features.

The absolutely stunning smile and his bright green eyes. Especially his hair, his hair looked pretty damn good. I couldn't tell if his body was built or not because of the long sleeves. He seemed kinda cocky to me though. And he was really critical.

Maybe he is some type of leader or like a club president or whatever. Those guys are really stuck up. Especially good looking ones because they think, "oh, I'm good looking and smart. I've got it all." Yeah, I hope he isn't like that.

With that I felt a splash of water in my face as I see the boy from last night. My gasps filled the air while I pried for some. "What the hell!" The boy chuckled, liking my reaction to his plan for my 'awakening'.

Giving him a glare, I then bring the hem of my shirt up to wipe the remaining water off my face but he stops me and hands me a rag. Still glaring I yank it out of his hands and he pulls his hands up in defense as I wipe the last drop next to my eye. "Where am I, boy?" I asked his harshly.

"Still in your room, princess." He lightly tilts my chin up to face him and for a second I wanted him to move me closer yet I was smart and just smacked his hand out of the way. I then look around and see all my possessions and posters and skateboards and broken chargers.

The boy begins to look around my room until one picture on the wall caught his eye. My Peter Pan poster that was quite small. He hummed and got closer to it, "Anything that interests you?" I sarcastically say and drag the blanket off of me and pull my jacket off on my way towards him.

He looks at it one more time then says bluntly, "No." And walks to look at other posters. "We'll maybe one thing, why do you collect these, pictures?"

I blankly stare at him and answer, "Well, I honestly don't know. Some of them are people I want to meet one day and some are just people I admire. Mmm, like this for example." I walk over to my 5 seconds of summer poster and point at it. "These four people I admire because they never gave up on their dreams and were founded by a famous band, and now they're famous. I'd love to meet them, maybe even sign this poster." I sigh and stand flat on my feet.

A pair of eyes burn through me, I turn to face them, "What's wrong?" Scoffing I turn away once more and walk towards the window sill. Him soon following, "Seriously, what's up Rosie?" I stare out the broken window with shards about to break off, I take one off and examine it closely. Stupidly, I look down and nearly jump at the sight of the man right outside my house bloody and lifeless. i start backing up covering my mouth wanting to scream, "Hey, hey, hey. Rosie, what'd you see?" He wraps his arm around my shoulder to keep my from hitting my head on the wall.

The only noises that were able to come out of me were stutters, so I just shakily pointed at the window. He let's go and heads to the window he leans over through the shards of glass and sees the man. He backs up and rubs the back of his neck. "Well, uh, did you always have a dead man outside your window or did you just not accept him or just oh my god who is he?"

"I-I don't know," then I remember, Roland. And after that I went for my jacket and checked the zipper pocket. "Ah," I open the note and read the part about him and dad falling out the window.

He looked down and hugged me, I was awful confused then he realized what he was doing and brushed me off. "Yeah, that's pretty bad. I'm sorry to hear about him. What was his name?"

I hesitate before saying his name, "Robin, Robin Hood. Like the fairy tale character." After saying that I rub the back of my neck because I don't really believe in such a thing as fairy tales. They have no point, at least I never saw one. Fairy tales are meant to give kids hope not teenagers. This is the 21st century guys, seriously.

He raised his eyebrow at me, "Really, you don't meet many robin's in this world, at least as a guy." World? Who is this guy?

Then I started thinking earlier about how he said he would save me, or whatever. Something like that. "So, didn't you say something about being saved?"

Silence filled the room, but he decided to break it. "How about you get some rest and and I can take some food for when we leave at midnight. Alright?" He said leading me to my bed, about to touch me I smack away his hand and get in by myself. While making his way to my bedroom door, I heard a voice.

Don't trust him, Rosie Grace.

"Okay, see you later?" I say questioning him.

He turned before closing the door, "Yes." After that he gently closed the door and I heard no trace of steps down the stairs. Staring at the ceiling I lay with my blanket draped across me and I glance taking a look around my room I'm really leaving, huh.

My eyes drift to sleep as my thoughts start to be thrown everywhere. Next, the moment that happened, I shot up in a new area and a pair of new clothes and my stuff was put in a corner. "Bloody hell," I breathe out.

"You alright?" Hearing that voice, that nasty slur. Telling who it was, I burst out of the bed and realize I'm in a silk baby blue nightgown.

I couldn't get anything out, I couldn't help but notice how short it was. It barely covered my butt and my butt is well, pretty big but uh not small. "What exactly is this?" I say pointing to the dress.

Turning around after hearing a woosh I see the boy without his cloak to hide his face. Except this time there's a smirk plastered on his face. His eyes look at the pajamas, "We'll that, is a nightgown. Be lucky I even gave a thought about your comfort." He spat.

Rolling my eyes, I then look around to take in my surroundings. "Like what you see, princess?"

"Yes, is this your home? It's lovely." I say and take a flower into my hands and fiddle with its small stem. Carefully putting it back in it's little water bowl of some sort, it floated at the top twirling. Soon making my face tug at the edges of my lips.

"That's the first genuine smile I've seen on you since the bonfire last night," he popped up in front of me tilting my chin up facing him like my dream. "You're special Rose, can I call you rose?"

Glaring at him I say, "No," and grab his wrist and twist it. Soon I see red blisters forming and I let go and back away. My face spreads with worry, "Oh my god are you okay?"

Looking around for a rag he stopped me, "See Rosie, I'm fine, look." My head was pulled to look at him and he healed his own arm. "I'm special too, Rosie Grace." Stepping back he takes two steps further, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Step back!" I make him fly against the wall just by putting my hands up. I stare at them in disbelief. The boy persistently gets back and sprints at me and grabs my hands and then I calm down and vines grow from the walls and flowers grow and they sparkle around them. Fascinatedly I look around, "You can control it."

The boy with green eyes let's go of my hands, "I can help you control yours as well."


Oh my god I can't wait until I get farther in this story and I'm thinking about trying to post weekly like every Monday if not I will try and post a small baby one on Wednesday. I have huge plans for this so please comment even more ideas so I can keep this story going if I ever get writers block.

Stay bloody inspired my lost girls :)

- madi

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