Chapter 32

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"IT WAS ABOUT TIME you took me out, son."

Aura grinned as Grandma Ruby shook her head and smacked her son's arm playfully as he drove.

"Ma!" he complained, rubbing the spot with one hand. He pouted as he gazed at his mother for a second. "And you always insisted on cooking everyday. Whenever I suggested going out to eat, you said there was food at home."

"So?" she counteracted.

Aura laughed as her father groaned. Her own mother was holding back her chuckles beside her. Grandma Ruby kept complaining, earning more huffs from her father as they drove.

Her father had told them they were going out to eat breakfast that morning, right before Grandma Ruby was getting ready to cook. He ordered her to drop what she was doing and get ready. She complained, but eventually caved and got into her nice skirt and blouse.

When Aura was done with her soft makeup look—a bit of concealer under her eyes, mascara, and lip balm—Grandma Ruby bursted into her room and asked if she could help her with her makeup. The words made Aura squeal, and she directed her grandmother to take a seat as she worked her magic.

She knew she couldn't do the heavy makeup she was used to doing on clients. Most of her clients had weddings, proms, or other formal events to attend. They were simply going out to eat, and she was secretly hoping to convince her father to take them shopping afterwards.

Aura took a look at Grandma Ruby's makeup products and almost threw them into the trash can on instinct.

She had turned to her grandmother and said, "Grandma, you need new products."

Grandma Ruby laughed, and told her to use whatever she owned on her if she pleased. So that's what she did. Knowing her kind of style, Aura knew she couldn't go overboard, so she tamed her eyebrows softly, added a deep red blush on her cheeks to make her dark skin look flush, and covered her lips with a clear gloss.

She had loved it, obsessing over the fact that she actually had blush on.

Aura, then, convinced her father to take them to a makeup store. She wanted to buy Grandma Ruby new products because whatever she had were definitely not it. When the familiar orange of the makeup store came into view, she almost jumped up and down like a child on her seat. She was in her element.

"Grandma, are you ready to get new and better products?" Aura asked, already fumbling with her seatbelt to take it off.

Grandma Ruby laughed and told her she better get her that blush among other things. Aura cheered as her father lined up at the entrance of the store.

"I'll leave you ladies here, I'm heading to the hardware store to see if I can find something to fix that leak in Aura's room," her father said.

"Alright, be careful, honey," her mother told him. They shared a meaningful look, which almost made Aura puke, before going towards the makeup store.

The smell of makeup products slapped her in the face as she entered. The bright stands offering special deals and highlighting new products entranced her, so she moved towards it, looking over at some new tropical inspired collection.

"Okay, Grandma, we are going to get you set," Aura said, motioning towards the store. "First off: let's get you that blush."

WHEN THEY GATHERED EVERYTHING they wanted, they fumbled together to the check-out line. A teenage girl stood in front of them with a lone mascara. She chewed on her cheek as she was called to pay, so Aura stepped up carrying all the items she was buying for Grandma Ruby.

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