13. The Inn at Glacier Peak

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My teeth are chattering and I can feel the cold deep with in my bones, like it had penetrated the very marrow there

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My teeth are chattering and I can feel the cold deep with in my bones, like it had penetrated the very marrow there. It is frigid out and the snow is coming down around Timber and I in torrents. A few miles into our journey the snow had started coming down exceptionally hard. Timber had made me climb up and ride with him so he could give me as much warmth as he could. Even with his thick arms wrapped around me I can hardly stand it.

"We are almost there, Pere. I promise it is not much further." He assures me, pulling me even closer into him. "You will be nice and warm in front of a fire in no time. You will once again be able to lie on a comfortable bed and not a cave floor. We will be able to safely plan the next step in our journey together; our life." He nuzzles the side of my head affectionately.

"Te te tell me again aaabout our future." He has told me the story already several times but it is a reminder of why we are both doing this. It is a reminder of why I am not in the comfort of a nice warm castle and do not have a belly full of food.

"As you wish, my queen." He veers the horses off to the left before continuing. "We will have a home built for us on the outskirts of the Mountain Realm. It will overlook the ocean and that is all we will be able to see for miles. It will just be you and me with not even a glimpse of our realms in sight. We will live like nomads and we will have a farm."

"A fa farm? That is sooomething ne new." I manage to get the words out between chattering teeth.

"Well, I had to change the story from the last time to keep it interesting." He lets out a deep chuckle. "Plus, I think we will need to farm our own food if we will be living on the outskirts and trying to maintain our privacy."

"I cannot se see you as aaa farmer, Timber." I deadpan.

He scoffs. "And why do you say that? I think I would be a fine farmer."

"Youuu ha have never had to fa farm a day in your life." I stutter over the words. "You are aaa priiince not a fa farmer."

"That may be so but that does not mean that I cannot learn how to do it for our family." Family. I do not say anything to him about the word in particular. He already knows there is no way the two of us could create a family of our own. It will always just be the two of us. "Look," he points in front of me to an illuminated building standing in solidarity. "There it is. We have finally arrived."

"Thank the realms." I feel a wave of relief flow through me.

Once we arrive at the front of the building a large man comes out and offers to take our horses into their barn to feed and water them. After taking off our supplies Timber lets him do so. We slowly trudge through the deep snow until we are finally able to seek shelter in the building. Upon entering we are greeted by a small, old woman.

"There has been a room already prepared for the two of you, Prince Timber." Her weak voice utters. "Garret has kept the fire going all day."

"Woman, keep your voice down." Timber growls out, looking around to see if there is anyone else around to hear but there is not. It is just us.

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