6. The Engagement Celebration

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Over the last two weeks my days have been filled with nothing but King Raven

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Over the last two weeks my days have been filled with nothing but King Raven. Getting to know him the way I have, I have noticed a completely other side than the stories I have been told. He is not cruel or callous. He is affectionate and caring with me.

Although he has given me the prior he has not given me much freedom. He has not let me spend time with Prince Timber or even let me partake in some of the gatherings where he will be. If anything, King Raven has been adamant that I stay by his side during nearly all things. He wanted me to be next to him publicly, showing the realms how united we are.

After flying that initial day together he had scented me in the garden on the top of the castle, covering up Timber's fragrance on my skin. It was odd to be intimate in that way with the king even though it should not have felt that way. But my being fully accepted his claim on me from instinct, masking every trace there had been of Timber previously.

Tonight is the night of our engagement ceremony. It is a ceremony that will take place much like King Raven's initial claiming. There will be dancing and singing but this time around no one one will have to watch such an intimate display between the king and I. It will just be a joyous celebration, blessing the union that will take place between us in two months time.

Since the night Prince Timber had entered my chambers I had barely seen him since. Only briefly had I caught a glimpse of those steel-colored eyes on my journeys throughout the castle. Each time I had seen those stormy depths I could see the sheer longing inside of them and I had wondered if mine had shown him much the same. And I often wondered if my gaze haunted his dreams as his did mine.

I had been expecting the prince to try and sneak into my chamber again. I had expected him to try and see me any chance that he got, not caring of the consequences. In each of these past fourteen days I have been repeatedly surprised and somewhat disappointed that he had not.

I know King Raven had heightened security, especially around the area of the castle where I was kept. Abundant security or not, I did not think it would be enough to deter Timber though. There was nothing that could keep him from what he wanted, ever the instinctual creature that he is. But I suppose maybe he does not want me in that way anymore. Maybe being here has changed him and his desires.

I smooth out my dress as I stand, hearing a knocking at my door. That could only be one person; the king. I am completely by myself as I go up and answer it, Lady Wren had helped dress me earlier before giving me time with my thoughts. Once I open the large, heavy thing I see him on the other side, standing tall and proud in our realm's colors.

He's adorned head to toe in black and gold, crown sitting atop his thick onyx locks. Everything about him is somewhat dark and beautiful. With those piercing blue eyes, like the very color of a midday sky, I'd never seen a creature of any realm look so majestically noble. King Raven looks equally controlled and wild all at the same time. He is a powerful king with strength shining from every surface of his being.

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