Chapter 2

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It had been a week since that test run which Paul and Pat watched. They put the cat in an enclosure again and made sure to take notes of everything they noticed which wasn't much since they mentioned they had a 'deadline', a meeting which confused Pat, who told Paul once the week was almost up. They both wondered why they had a deadline, this... thing... really shouldn't have a deadline, so why did it? While thinking of this and trying to figure it out they got some information on this cat, which were definitely true based on the fact it was backed up by the staff who worked on the cat, who they had now named "prototype". It was easier then saying "The cat". The results looked like they had been summarized to it's most basic form, for enough context so it didn't look as if it was just a spew of random words plastered on to look professional but also so there wasn't much information to give anyone.

When Paul or Pat tried to ask Tord, or the staff working on the prototype for more clear information they'd never really help. They'd either ignore them, say "that isn't important" or even just say some information but so vague that it didn't even sound like an actual good response. It was shocking, honestly. Paul and Pat tried their damn best to figure it out but it was practically impossible. Normally there'd be many writings about these tests that they could look through and get their own information off of but it seemed as if Tord purposely didn't write anything, leaving all the information about it scattered and obscure. This left them with no other choice but to wait for the meeting, the so called 'deadline'. They just hoped they would reveal anything they could, to ensure it was safe. All they knew was that it was still responsive, it hadn't died due to the seemingly painful transformation and raw, dirty animals that it devoured. It seemed to be getting more responsive to the people around as well, it always growled at the staff and even Tord. It wouldn't tense up or hiss in fear however; it was legitimate anger, a fight response to them. Nothing more showed up, no more transformations or mutations. That's all they knew, everything else was unclear. Pat and Paul felt complete and utter dread creep up on them when they went to sleep that night, speaking momentarily about how this meeting could either go fine or badly. There was no in between from the looks of it. They both fell asleep shortly after, nervous about how it would go.

They both instantly regretted waking up, staring at the ceiling as their alarm rang. They didn't move for what felt like half an hour, when it was actually a minute, before Pat gently pushed the alarm, making it stop its loud beeping instantly. Pat was the first to sit up, looking over at Paul who looked like he had just experienced the worst nightmare in his life. His lips were parted, eyes were unblinking and he seemed to have a case of cold sweat. Thankfully he was wearing a loose singlet. Pat blinked and looked down at the ground for a moment before sighing. "Come on, the sooner we get there into the meeting, the sooner we leave." Pat tried to give a reassuring smile but it wasn't as effective as he hoped. Paul grumbled as he sat up, wordlessly getting up and walking to fix himself up.

The meeting started at 10:00 am, they arrived by 9:57 am, rushing. Pat looked at the time above the door as they arrived and sighed, resting his clammy hands on his knees. Paul, who was barely able to keep up, breathed heavily behind him, coughing a bit through breaths. Paul was never really the one to run, when he did he'd need a couple of minutes to recover which was more than likely due to his constant smoking. Paul balled his right hand into a fist and hit himself in the chest lightly as he coughed. Pat looked at the people in the line and realized that there was no staff members. None of them who worked on the prototype. Pat shook Paul's arm softly as he whispered this to him, which also confused Paul. Where were they? Normally they'd be all here, standing by Tord once he arrived and give him all the notes and answers. There wasn't even one in sight. What gives?

Before Pat could even properly ask the rest of the soldiers Tord opened the door, smiling. It didn't look like his normal, slightly devilish smile. While it wasn't scary, it was unnerving. It looked as if he was planning something awful, like setting off a nuclear bomb and turning the area it hit into another Chernobyl situation. Pat stared at his leader with much suspicion, more than usual. Paul also seemed to share the same feeling, looking at Pat for some reassurance, which Pat just couldn't give. He just blinked and looked down, walking beside Paul as they entered the meeting. The door shut behind them, Tord standing there and giving what looked to be a comforting smile which didn't ease their nerves. It looked so fake, forced even.

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