Chapter 3

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Tord honestly didn't know what to expect when he was taken into the lab but he definitely didn't expect them to suggest taking his clothes off and changing into the usual, old garments that were used for patients.It was stained with vomit from the previous patient, some ripped ends and misshapen holes all over which were probably from moths or mice, it definitely wasn't cleaned properly. It seemed more as if they scrubbed it half heartedly, rinsed it and then threw it out to dry. Maybe he was being dramatic, that didn't change the fact that there was no way he was wearing this.

So, he made a "compromise". He'd wear his red hoodie instead. When the staff asked 'why not wear that? It's old, it won't matter if it gets ruined' he said that he didn't care, frankly. He just didn't want to wear it. This made everyone collectivity sigh, mentally.

It didn't matter to Tord anyway. If his blue army uniform was ruined that wouldn't be good. He didn't want to ruin that; but his hoodie was old, he felt as if it wasn't as important anymore. It was from a time when he didn't even have a proper army, when he lived with the three other males. He didn't think about them much, they were useless to him. Harsh but it was the truth. This didn't mean he hated them, he still had fond memories of them, he just didn't smile at them anymore but that wasn't the point.

He didn't care if this hoodie got ruined, he couldn't pinpoint why he thought this but he knew this is what he wanted. If that's what he wanted, that was final. Nothing could change his mind about it, even if he had an hour long discussion on it. After they took the old garments away, he unbuttoned and removed his blue uniform, folded it up and passed it to Alex, one of his trusted soldiers who walked off and put it away for him. Tord shifted his hoodie up a bit, feeling weird to just have his hoodie on. Normally he'd take that off too and just have a shirt but it was far too cold in that lab to just have a shirt.

After that he was put into the bullet proof glass enclosure which was designed to be extremely tough, it'd be easier than making it metal. He'd be easier to see, easier to observe. The entrance shut, leaving him basically helpless. He needed a certain gas first to put him to sleep before they injected him, simply because they didn't want to take any risks. They assumed it'd take a week for him to do his full transition but even then, not taking that risk. He stood there and watched the shoot from the top open, the staff put on masks so they also didn't fall asleep. Tord could smell it once it was let in, which is when he sat down so he wouldn't hit the cold, hard tile. He stared forward, his blinking slowing. His muscles began to relax, his vision started to blur and become dark, his head fell and so did his entire body, giving into the gas.

He was injected shortly after they turned off the gas and once they were assured that he was completely unconscious. They then waited hours for him. He slept through most of the day which actually prompted them to feel for a pulse a couple of times to make sure he was actually alive since he'd barely moved. He was so stiff, so unresponsive.

They really expected nothing now, since he hadn't shown any changes throughout the day so most of them left the room to write this down. They left two in there, expecting nothing to happen while they were gone.

Tord, however, started to move. The two scientists didn't seem worried at first, maybe a bit surprised since he was finally moving but soon they became concerned when his breathing became more shallow, he seemed to be scratching at the floor like he was having a nightmare. One slowly approached, as if she was walking towards a ticking time bomb. She froze up when he stopped, seeming to relax again.

She stayed in the same position for a few minutes for what seemed like a century before she saw Tord practically break his shoulder, twisting it upwards. His hand slammed onto the tile before it pushed him upwards, his head still down. All she could see was his hair, concealing his face. His bones creaked awkwardly as he got to his knees. She wanted to step away but her body couldn't perform the action. He slowly stood up, hunched over for a bit before raising his head up, finally showing his face.

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