Chapter 4

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It was deadly quiet once Tord fell to the ground, everyone had basically lost their voices once the very quick mutation took place. They were like statues, unmoving. That's before Annie put her hands to the sides of her head, closed her eyes and let out a shriek in horror, breaking out into a sob as everyone seemed to snap out of it. Some rushed over to calm her down, others ran to the inclosure to see if Tord was breathing. Paul stood wide eyed, the cigarette falling out of his mouth as his jaw lowered. The entire room was ringing, all he could hear is the muffled voices of his workers.

Was he dead? Did Tord just die in front of their very eyes? Was the pain so unbearable it caused his entire body to go into shut down? Or was he just passed out? So many questions yet they went by so fast he couldn't keep up. He was trying so hard to focus on one and answer it but it would slip away and be blocked by another question no matter what.

Pat turned his head to face Adam, who stood shell shocked with some masks loosely in his hands. Pat's face turned into a snarl as he stormed over and grabbed Adam's collar, pulling him forwards. His grip on the masks quickly evaporated as they all hit the ground. "Why did you just stand there?!" He bellowed, staring down at the still shocked male. Everyone was so loud, Pat's loudness didn't change this. Adam didn't answer him, he just stared at him with constricted pupils.

Pat pulled him closer, now causing him to be on his tippy toes. "Why did you just stand there, Adam?!" He asked again, louder than before. Some soldiers noticed Pat's anger becoming unhinged, he looked as if he was going to kill him on the spot. Some ran over, hauling him away. Pat continued to yell at Adam who had begun to back away out of fear.

Pat tried to throw himself forward many times, saliva flying as he screamed at him, demanding answers as to why he froze up and just allowed Tord to go through all of the pain fully conscious. One soldier even had to get behind pat and wrap his bulked up arms around his chest to hold him back, so he couldn't throw himself forward. This was because the ones holding his arms were struggling to not accidentally let him go because of the amount of force he used to try and hurt Adam. He even tried to jump many times to get close. He now was unable to, only throwing his head forward. Even if he tried, they had a better grip on him.

Paul suddenly covered his mouth as he ran out, holding his stomach with his other hand. He almost slipped and slammed his entire body into the wall as he ran down the hallway. Pat looked over as this happened and suddenly ripped himself into the direction of Paul, which the soldiers didn't expect. Two lost their grip, the ones holding his arms. The one holding him from the back however was pinched with great force which would've broken the skin, which made him instantly let go as Pat sprinted after Paul in worry.

Paul sprinted, stumbling a bit as he held his mouth tightly. He didn't even realise Pat had followed him out nor his outburst. He couldn't even hear Pat calling out his name and even if he did he wouldn't have responded. He was about to lose his stomach, the contents from earlier starting to rise as he gagged in his hand. He felt hope as he saw the bathroom sign but he panicked, scrambling more to reach the room. He was so close, so unbelievably close to reaching it.

Pat seemed confused as Paul slammed into the wall a bit, skidding to a halt at the bathroom before he shoved the door open, practically collapsing since he put all his balance forwards. Pat quickly grabbed hold of the door frame, abruptly halting which almost made him fall forward. Paul tripped to the toilet where he just grabbed the seat and expelled the contents from his stomach. Pat cringed as he stuck his head in, hearing the noise instantly. He was used to the gore, the constant deaths and corpses but not vomit.

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