!Question 29,30,31+32!

234 9 36

@FighterOfDepression asks - The cuteness! It's too much for my fragile heart.
To Fresh and Deccy: So when's the wedding ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) nah nah I'm just messin' with ya, brokskis. When are you guys gonna have your first date? And where?

Decans blushed slightly, hiding in his hoodie a bit. "Ah, well... I hadn't thought of it..."
Fresh blushed as well, "I haven't either... but... I think I'd like to take you out to a cat cafe." Fresh smiled a little.
Decans smiled brightly, "Really??"

@King_Ghidorah_2698 asks - To Fresh: Are you ever gonna tell anyone about that... uh... parasite? o_o

"Oh, you mean Skittles?" Fresh questioned. "The fam and Deccy all know about him. He's pretty chill... most of the time."

@DigiOnline asks - To Decans: After your father's death sentence, do you feel pity or wish he burns in hell?

Decans blanked out a second before Fresh poked his cheek. "Huh? Oh, my father..." His eyes went pitch black as his eyelights went out like a candle. "If you even dare think I'd feel pity for that abusive rapist then you're dead wrong. I hope that disgusting creature gets boiled and eaten alive by Satan himself.

Fresh went O_O, actually, I think we all went O_O.
Decans still went back to normal, "What's the next question?"

@Sushi00Wolf DARES - To Fresh and Decans: You guys should prank, Error, Ink, Geno, and Reaper by saying things (to each other) like "I hate you" or "Don't touch me", or something rude like that! Oh, and also avoid each other. See how they react~ 

To Fresh: when's the wedding~?

"There won't be a wedding until Decans wants to have one." Fresh huffed.
Decans smiled, "Okay, hush, we gotta not get along."
Fresh whined. "But I wanna give you kisses!"
Decans blushed, "I know, but it's just for a little while."
Fresh huffed, "Fine..."
"Okay... I'll leave the room first and act mad, could you come after me apologizing and such?"

Fresh nodded, "Yeah, that'll work." He smiled softly, "You go outside then and run around the right side of the house, I'll meet you there."
Decans giggled softly and nodded, "Yes, okay."

Decans took a deep breath and got it angry face on, he swung open the door and marched out of the room. "No,  don't talk to me!"
Fresh held back a smile and followed, "Decans, wait! Please!" He reached forward to gently grab him.
Decans pulled his arm away, "No! Don't even touch me!" 

The other two couples looked over, confused.
Decans fake glared Fresh, "You're terrible! Just terrible, I can't believe I even remotely love you!" He winked at Fresh to reassure him.
Fresh winked back, "Just listen to me!"
"No! I won't! You can just go!" He tucked his feet into his shoes and went out the door, slamming it shut after.

"Decans!" Fresh called after him, soon following him out the door and to the right side of the house.
Decans was giggling, amused. "I love you, Frufru!" He whispered.
Fresh blushed softly, his eyes sparkling a bit as he smiled. "I love you too.." He held his hand. "You did so well, I was actually almost scared you were angry at me..." He laughed softly.
Decans smiled a bit, "My bad..."
"No, no. It's okay, you're kinda hot when you're mad~" He leaned in, whispering to him teasingly.

Decans blushed brightly, "H-Hush!" He whined.
Fresh smiled softly, kissing his cheek. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself..."
Meanwhile, inside the house, all four victims of this prank were confused all to hell. "What just happened?" Error questioned.
"Were they arguing?" Reaper was most confused, "Didn't they.. just get together?"
"I could ask the same thing..." Ink muttered.
"YOU GOT PRANKED!" Fresh yelled as he stepped inside the house. "HAHA"

"Oh shit-" Geno sighed with relief, "I was scared for a moment there!" 
"Yeah, you don't want to see Decans genuinely angry." Reaper chuckled.
Fresh looked at them confused. "Wha?"
"You'll know when the time comes." Geno smiled softly, "But you should hope that time never comes, for your own good."
"He can't be that bad..." 
"Oh, trust me, I can."

@Sushi00Wolf dares - To everyone: react to paperfresh

*chaotic screaming and some arguing from error and fresh*

*and probably an anxiety attack for decans but it's okay mango and skittles taking care of him-*

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