!Question 26!

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@FighterOfDepression asks - To Geno: Why are you hiding your face from the light?

To Reaper: How did you and Geno meet?

Also, when are you gonna propose; It's been awhile since you said you would.

To both: When did you realize you love each other? Who confessed, and how?

Geno yawned, "I just woke up... it hurts my eyes a bit..."

Reaper smiled, cuddling Geno. "It's okay~" 

"Geno and I met when I moved into town... He was bullied a lot, but when I saw it happen, I stepped in. I got a little beat up, which Geno insisted that he repay me, which he ended up taking me out to a really nice cafe." He smiled, rubbing Geno's skull sweetly. "From there, we just... fell in love." 
"We didn't realize it until senior prom." Geno yawned again, rubbing his eyes. "Reaper asked me out to prom, which I accepted. While we were dancing, he spaced out while he was looking me in the eyes..." He explained, "I asked him if something was wrong, and he just.. he just told me his feelings. That he loved me, wanted me to be his..." He blushed a bit at the thought but smiled. "I accepted, and we ended the dance with a kiss..." 

Reaper smiled, "Sometimes I wish we could go back to that night... and I don't know when I'll ask... I'm just waiting for the right time..."

*You've unlocked a new memory! "Prom Night" is now available to view! 

@FighterOfDepression asks - To Error: Out of all the things you said to Fresh, what was the worst? And no, I don't mean when you pushed him down the stairs and cracked his skull open.

"The worst thing I said to him was... that he was a mistake, and that mother should have gotten rid of him." He sighed, "I was bullied a lot for how I acted, so, that was something that people said to me a lot, which that anger, I took out on Fresh..."

@FighterOfDepression asks - To ErrInk: Same questions as AfterDeath, but with the exception of kids. But... have you thought of having another kid?

"I confessed first." Ink proudly said. "Our parents brought us to an amusement park, which I dragged Error onto a ride, even though he didn't want to go on it... at the end of it, he was very freaked out and pretty mad at me." He laughed a bit, "I comforted him and gave him lots of chocolate afterward. I opened one of the chocolate bars and wrote a small note to him, it simply said 'I love you just as much as you love chocolate',"

Error chuckled, "It was so corny." 
"And yet you accepted~"
"Either way, I proposed!" He smiled proudly.
Error rolled his eyes with a small chuckle, "Well... I don't know if I want another child yet..." He smiled softly, leaning on Ink.

@FighterOfDepression asks - To Freshcans: ...does this mean you're together now?

A/N: This comment is from questions 22 + 23, so before the last update. Just so ya know!

"Yeah~" Decans was hugging Fresh, very cuddly now and happy.
Fresh was a bit flustered, but he was cuddling Decans. "Definitely.

 @FighterOfDepression asks - To Freshcans: Same as Afterdeath. (Minus confession part, because we saw it.)

"I realized that I love Fresh a while ago... we were just hanging out, and I had tripped over and on top of him... I got really flustered and that's when I realized my feelings for him..." He hid his face shyly.
Fresh smiled, just so in love with him. "I realized my feelings much more before that... it was on one of our hangouts, we went to get ice cream. Decans had looked so thoughtful when he was trying to figure out what flavor he wanted, and then the way his face just lit up when he found the right one. I had gotten so lost in thought that I made him get really worried, it was so cute..."

@FighterOfDepression asks - To Decans: Sorry if this is a sore topic but if Fresh knows the answer, he can answer if you don't want to, which I can only assume he does.
What has your father done to you?

"Oh, well... there's a lot..." Decans hummed in wonder. "Most of it was yelling and neglect, but a lot of it was also hitting me, sometimes he'd throw me too..." He shivered, not liking to think about it.
Fresh rubbed his back, "Not to mention the sexual abuse, but that only happened rarely." He cut Decans off, knowing he was uncomfortable. "Either way, that man was put on death row years ago, after I devised a plan to catch it all."

@FighterOfDepression asks - To Fresh: What do you think of Decans' father? Were you bullied as a kid? (Not counting Error)

Fresh covered Decans' 'ears', "He's a filthy bastard. He's an abusive di(S)kwad and he never even deserved to have a family, let alone a life." His eyes went dark, his expression a scowl. Nonetheless, his expression and eyes went back to normal and he uncovered Decans' 'eyes', "I was bullied occasionally. Mostly before Decans came around.."

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