!Question 6!

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@Poisoned_cakes asks - To everyone: How old are you?

"I'm 25," Reaper answered first. "The oldest." He had a small smirk.
"I'm 25 too, just a few months younger." Geno huffed, glaring his boyfriend. 

"22..." Decans mumbled quietly.
"21," Fresh huffed, "I'm still the youngest, but I turn 22 in a few days."

"Yep, then Error's 24 and Ink is 23. Surprisingly, they've managed to have children first."
Reaper huffed, "Now, where are my kids?" 
Geno blushed, "Shut up... you know we ain't having no kids until we're married." 
Reaper perked up, "Okay, that's fair." He blushed a bit with a small smile. 

You now have unlocked the choice to give them dares.

(p.s. try to keep them appropriate!.... for now ;)

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