!Question 34!

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@miralanightshade dares - Anyone: Anger Decans... good luck.

"...no stop-" Reaper and Geno both spoke up.
"HOW?!" Ink screeched.
"Don't." Reaper's eyes went black.
"maybe if I just-" Ink grabbed a lighter, going over to Mango and lit it, burning off one of his whiskers. 


This does not harm Mango at all. Mango is perfectly okay. The reason I used this idea to piss off Decans is that it's harmless. My brother burnt off one of my cat's whiskers before (accidentally) and he was just fine, although I'm overprotective (like Decans) and freaked out. Although I wouldn't recommend or suggest you burn your cat's whiskers, because I'm pretty sure if you get low enough it will hurt them, so keep in mind, Ink (and my brother the one time) only got a bit of the tip of his whisker. :) Keep your cats away from fire!


Decans fell dead silent, his eyelights disappearing. Reaper, Geno, and Fresh all backed up into a corner. In the blink of an eye, Ink was on the floor and his nose was bleeding. 
Decans was soon back to normal and holding Mango, "You poor thing, I know, Ink is so cruel... Momma will protect you, it's alright..." He cradled the big orange cat. 
Error blew raspberry at Ink, "Reaper told you not to." 

Reaper huffed, "Dumbass."
"Yeah, I ain't healing that." Error huffed, flicking his tail.
Ink whined, "Ruru..."
Error huffed, his tail flicking more. "Big baby." He walked over, kneeling down and holding him in his arms. 
Geno got Error a wet washcloth, "There..."
"Thanks," He cleaned away the blood from Ink's face, setting it aside, then giving him kisses, using his magic to heal his broken nose. "There you go, my big ol' baby~" He laughed softly, teasingly. 
Ink huffed, glaring at him. "Fuck you."
"Uh, no, I'm still sore." He helped Ink stand, then cleaned up any blood that got on the floor. 
Ink huffed, "But Error..." 
"I said no."

Decans huffed, "That's what you get, Ink."
Ink went qwq, "Okay, yeah, I learned my lesson...."
"Good." Reaper shook his head, flicking his tail as well.

@miralanightshade asks for Freshcans: JUST SMOOCH ALREADY-

Decans and Fresh both blushed, "Ah- I'm not going to force him." Fresh huffed.
Decans blushed more, but smiled. "I suppose we could... go to our room...?" 
Fresh blushed brightly, 'Our room...!' He got flustered by that. "Ah, um, sure!" He lead Decans back to theeeeiirirrrr room uwu
Mango hopped out of Decans' arms and went to eat. 
Fresh closed their door and brought Decans to their bed, sitting down. "You wanna sit in my lap..?" He gave a sweet smile. 
Decans blushed brightly, "U-Um... sure..." He shyly sat in his lap, tensing a bit, extremely shy.
Fresh smiled softly, "It's okay, Decans... You're alright..." He kissed his cheek, "I'll wait until you're ready." He looked into his eyes with a warm smile. 
Decans blushed brightly, "Th-Thank you..." He gave a soft smile. 
Fresh gave a gentle nod, "Your welcome, sweetheart."

Decans' eyes shined a gentle yellow, slowly leaning in for the kiss. 
Fresh blushed softly, leaning in as well. Soon, their lips collided into a sweet kiss, Fresh bringing Decans in closer and deepening the kiss. Decans gave a quiet moan, loving the feeling of the sweet kiss. The kiss remained for a few moments longer before they both pulled away, Deans panting softly. "Oh, wow... that felt so nice..." His eyes were shining with yellow.
Fresh smiled, "Mmm~ Yeah, that was nice...~" He showered his face in kisses. "My beautiful lover...~" 
Decans blushed brightly, "Ah... Fresh...!" He giggled softly. "Oh, Fresh, hehe..." He leaned into his kisses.
"I'm just so in love with you~" Fresh lied down with him, cuddling him close. "You're mine, forever~"
Decans smiled shyly, "I love you just as much, Frufru... and I'll never leave you..."

@miralanightshade asks - For AfterDeath - Who top? OvO

"Well... uh..." Geno hummed, "Both, I guess?"
"We're switches." Reaper cuddled Geno, his tail wrapped around him.
"Reaper tops most of the time, but I top occasionally too..." Geno shrugged. 
"Mmm~ and Geno's so hot when he's so controlling and horny~"
Geno blushed brightly, smacking Reaper with a pillow. "SHUT UP YOU ASS!!"

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