Hope - Chapter 20

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Gianna enters the Volturi throne room with an elegant looking card that I am pretty sure I’ve seen before. She hands it to Aro and he reads it. Caius and Marcus await for his response. “It is out dear friends the Cullens, tending to our business with young Bella.” 

“Have they-” 

“Brother, they have set a date and we shall interfere once their time is up - then we will see how immortality has suited the new Mrs. Cullen. “ 

“What about our plan?” Marcus asks. 

“That sister surely should have become one of us by now,” Caius notes. 

“Of course, the lovely, Violet! We must plan a visit. Or rather she can visit us. Felix!” 

A tall, bulky vampire enters the room, “Yes, master?” 

“I believe it is time to visit our dear friend, Violet. She is now with the Cullens, drop this note off to her.”

Felix takes the rectangular sheet of paper and is gone instantly. 

“Aro, what if the girl fails to show up?” Caius asks. 

“She will. Or we can go after her. Why do you think I am sending Felix? He can track her simply after being in her room. Besides, she should know not to run from us or disobey us. Most importantly she shouldn’t even remember who we are. The Cullens surely have told her about our existence, but that shocking should have wiped the memory from her for good.” 

“Are you okay?” Jasper asks. I don’t move and he grabs the paper from my hand before wrapping his arms around me. “Violet, respond.” 

“I’m scared,” I whisper. 

“You have an advantage against them,” He reminds me. 

“What?” I ask placing my head on his shoulder. 

“They don’t know you remember.”

“But Aro will be able to know my power by touch and see that I know. What do I do?” 

“Well you can’t refuse...” He sighs. “But can’t you lie? Show him something that is fake.”


“I wish Edward was here so we could practice this. They will ask you questions and you can’t hesitate with your thoughts. Your lying would have to be natural.” 

“I don’t want to go,” I plop down on my bed.

“Do you think I really want you to go?” 

I look at him with knitted eyebrows, “You don’t?” 

“No. I’m worried for you, but I know something worse could happen if you don’t go.”

“What if they try to get me to stay with them?”

“Would it make you feel better if Carlisle called them?” 

“Maybe a little,” I admit. 

“Guys!” Emmett burst through the door. 

“What?” Jasper immediately sensing something different. I am assuming he has bad news with the way his eyes have gone wide as saucers. 

“Edward and Bella are coming back early.” 

“Why?” I ask. 

“You’ll never guess what happened!”


Hope - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now