Hope - Chapter 10

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Esme returns within the next ten minutes and she is surprised, to say the last, at the sight of me... or my transformation. 

She greets me, and I smile in return while Jasper gives her an explanation, “Her accidents was the Volturi kidnapping her and injecting her with a very small amount of venom. She was slowly changing for months and this morning, I found her and gave her more venom to speed up the rest of the transformation. I don’t think there is anything wrong with her as a result of the prolonged transformation, and she even has a gift, I suppose the Volturi know how to find people...” 

“What can you do?” Esme asks. 

“Jasper says that I am able to view people’s past on command,” I answer. 

“She doesn’t think we are going to let her stay here,” Jasper looks at me accusingly.

“Of course, she can stay with us!” Esme exclaims. “You are welcome here anytime, Violet, has she hunted yet?” 

“That’s kind of a sore subject at the moment... but for all intents and purposes: yes.” 

“I still think she needs to see Carlisle, just incase the Volturi did anything else to her. And then we need to figure out why they did this.” 

“Emmett and Rosalie have been out all day, I expect they should be back from their hunting trip soon and the others will be out of school in an hour. We need to fake her death-”

“Fake my death?!” I interrupt. 

“You can’t live with Charlie and if we say you are a runaway it will worry him sick,” Jasper explains. 

I sigh, knowing that he is right, “Okay, how do we fake my death?” 

“Well, we can do it a few different ways. I’m sure Bella is fond of her old truck so we can’t use that and we obviously don’t want to set the house on fire...” 

“I have an idea,” My eyes light up as I form the perfect plan. 

“What is it?” Esme asks. 

“Well, I used to live in this old house that was my parents. No one lives there and I don’t intend to ever use it again. If I can clear it out, before we do this that would be great. Anyway, Bella can tell Charlie that I went to my old house. If we set fire to the house, then they will think I died in some freak accident.” 

“That might work,” Jasper nods. “You can’t be-”

“Around Bella, I know,” I finish his sentence. “So before everyone comes here, I’m assuming I’ll need one of you with me to go to the house and could we stop by Charlie’s first to get some of my belongings?” 

“Of course,” Jasper says. “We need to be quick, we only have an hour.” 

We take Emmett’s jeep to the house. I take my journal and a few of my favorite books, I decide not to take anything else since they might think I am a runaway. I place them in the back of the jeep and then I give Jasper instructions to my old house. 

“Didn’t you smell the human scent in Charlie’s house?” 

“Yeah, I smelt in at your house to, but I’m scared,” I admit. 

“You don’t need to be scared, Violet.” 

“I am scared. I don’t want to hurt anymore humans. I try not to breath, and it helps, but just knowing that I want to drink from them is terrifying. I can’t do what I did to that boy again.” 

Jasper parks in front of my house and looks at me, “Then, you won’t. You will adjust and get better at resisting. Bella will still come over, but we will do our best to make sure that she is unharmed... well as unharmed as a clumsy human can be.” His statement makes me laugh and a smile spreads across his face, “See you don’t have to pout all the time when being a vampire.”

“Okay, let’s go,” I get out of the massive car and enter the house using the key I hid under the mailbox. The house has the smell of one that has been unoccupied for awhile. I head upstairs to my old room and grab a necklace I had received from my mother. Then,  I go to grab a photo album from my father. Sitting in my bed room I try to remember how they died. I know I was adopted by Phil and Renee, but I try to recall the exact event that lead me to be orphaned. 

“Roger, you can watch the baby tonight can’t you?” It was my mother, looking as beautiful as she did in all the pictures I had ever seen her in. She had the same blond hair as me, but hers was waist-length. Her irises were emerald and her flawless complexion was pale with rosy cheeks. 

My father, a brawny man looking very much like Emmett except he had the same violet eyes as me, replied, “Of course, I can, Liz. It’s not like anything bad is going to happen.” 

She kisses him on the cheek before walking out. My father approaches the crib where I am just beginning to wake up, “Look who woke up just in time.” 

He picks me up and I open my big violet eyes to start at him. There is a loud bang downstairs and he whips his head to look at the door to the nursery. I am about to start crying from the loud noise, but he manages to pacify me. “Please stay silent, my little Violet,” He murmurs placing me in the crib under some blankets. I fall asleep, but the scene continues. 

Roger slips into the hallway silently and finds my mother’s body on the floor. He sneaks into the bedroom to get the phone, but the men are there. they shoot him once in the chest. He manages to get a gun from the nightstand and shoot both of them, but it is too late he is bleeding out. As well as the men across the room who have gone limp dropping the possessions they were trying to steal. 

I look around my room, it was basically the same as it was the night I was orphaned. 

“That’s odd,” Jasper muses. 

I look at him not realizing he had been standing in the door way, “What?” 

“Relax,” He places a hand on my shoulder. I’ve learned that this intensifies the calm emotion he is spreading. “You were able to project your power” 

“You saw that?” I ask, almost embarrassed. 

“Yes. Were you able to do that on command?” 

I nod, “I was wondering about my past and I was able to see it.” 

“Are you ready to leave? I really think we need to talk to Carlisle.” 

“Yes,” I say looking at the necklace and photo album in my hands ready to leave this all behind me. 

Hope - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now