Chapter 37

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"C'mon, show me your best layup."

Lisa kissed her teeth in annoyance. "I've been doing them for the past half hour."

"Let's just do one more, sport." Her dad slapped her on the back and Lisa resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

After her dad had come late that night, for the next week he had been at home either with his girlfriend or making Lisa practice basketball.

The silver haired listened to him and ran up, letting go of the ball and making it fall through the mesh gracefully.

Slumping onto the ground, she realized just out of shape she had gotten through the summer.

"Dad enough of the sports. You always do this every year I come around." Lisa complained.

Her dad picked up the rolling basketball and walked up to her. "I only see you once a year, and it's always nice to see how much you improved."

"Oh! I've also been looking into some basketball programs and there are some amazing universities for you."

Lisa grimaced. "Mom doesn't want me doing basketball past high school."

Her dad pinched the bridge of his nose. "She's always been against sports."

"But don't listen to her, just do whatever you want to do." He fished the flyer out of his pocket and handed it to the silver haired.

Lisa took it and looked over it, sighing. She put it in her pocket and stood up, dusting off her clothes. "I'm gonna take a shower."

Huffing as she put her bags on the curb, she turned back and handed the driver some cash. "Thank you." Lisa smiled slightly and looked up at her home.

"I'm finally back." She said to herself and lifted her stuff, bringing it inside.

"Oh Lisa, you're back from your dad's?"

Her mom spoke up from the kitchen table, her eyes peered over the papers she was holding.

The silver haired nodded. "I'll just unpack upstairs." She turned to walk up to her room, but her mom stopped her.

"Wait, tell me about your vacation. How's your father?"

"Oh same old, same old."

Her mom rose one of her eyebrows. "He still trying to get you into some nonsense sport programs?"

Lisa sighed. "Yeah, he's pretty stubborn about it too." Her mom stood up from her seat and walked towards her daughter.

"I know you don't appreciate me getting involved in your angsty teenage life or whatever," The silver haired groaned hearing that.

"But," Her mom raised a finger. "I looked into a few decent programs for you and they are far better for your future than what your father has been giving you so far."

"Thanks mom." Lisa took the papers her mom was offering and turned around, walking up the stairs.

"You're going to have a future if you look into those programs, not some lucky one in a million chance of being an athlete!" She yelled after her.

"Pfft, Ella your hair is in my face." Jennie complained and craned her head away.

Ella ignored her. "Then let go of my phone!" She said, tightening her grip on the device.

"Never! You've been talking to someone, and I want to find out who." Jennie held onto the phone in her hand as well.

The siblings were sprawled on the couch, barely hanging on from falling to the floor, and tugging on the phone for some time now. Ella was right on top of Jennie, desperately trying to get it back.

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