Finishing School

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Just talking about this topic makes me tear up. I've always been a somewhat above average child, when I was in primary school anyways. I'd like to say I peaked around the age of nine, perhaps, and since then it's been somewhat of a plateau, followed by a slight decline as we hit the A-level years.

It wasn't a slight decline as much as a drop. My career was predetermined at the ripe young age of twelve/thirteen when I was rewiring an electrical plug socket (as nerdy as that sounds), in a physics lesson that my favourite teacher of all time was teaching.

I passed my GCSEs with what was an average score for my school (and above average for any other school), with 2A*s, 7As and 2Bs. I was very proud of myself, even when comparing with my friends and finding out they basically had straight A*s. I worked to the best of my ability and I received the grades that reflected my studies. The education system is so flawed anyways, I'll probably make another post on that sometime soon.

I hit A-levels and my mental health declined. Struggling to keep up in class, I would come home and would be unable to grasp concepts. It was even worse in school as I had to switch maths classes due to a teacher that, frankly put, was an asshole. This change of classes meant that I had to change my whole timetable, being put in a class with a boy that caused me mental disturbance for the better part of the year.

Looking back on it, I forgive him and I hope he's successful in whatever he wants to do, I just hope he's grown out of the toxic little attitude he had with me.

Until I hit the moment, I never considered another career path. The moment came in my final year, as I was in the process of switching maths classes. The deputy head, who also was the head of the mathematics department took me to her office and told me that I might be better off looking into alternate career paths as my grades might not be good enough to get me into university to study what I wanted to do.

That day I cried. I called up my father and told him that I wasn't good enough to pursue a career in Astrophysics and that I should give up. He came into school that day and talked to the physics teachers, helped me put extra measures in place to help me get to where I wanted to.

My parents have always been so supportive to me from the start and I don't think they've ever been disappointed with my grades; my sister is a very top achiever and I'm average and I love them for accepting me for the way that I am.

My parents have always been so supportive to me from the start and I don't think they've ever been disappointed with my grades; my sister is a very top achiever and I'm average and I love them for accepting me for the way that I am

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