April 2nd, 2017

34 6 0

Isn't it funny how even a little bit of sunshine can brighten up your day considerably more? 

But does anyone know exactly why that is? Why is it that brightness is connotated with happiness and positivity?

Personally, nothing beats a thunderstorm, complete with lightning and rain.  There's a sense of mystery and magic in each storm and that makes me content and optimistic more than the sunshine ever will. Although when I share this information with others, people look at me as if I've grown two heads.

It's not THAT big.

Typical of society to judge you for not fitting in; so here's challenge number two for you; break the rules of society.

If there's something that you like; stand by the fact that you like it. Do not let any disapproving looks or murmurs change your mind.

You like it.

You stand by it. And who knows, maybe others will start to do the same.

Best of luck.

Best of luck

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