April 4th, 2017

24 4 0

They say two's a couple and three's a crowd. What does that make four then? Two couples or a larger crowd?

You'd think with important exams coming up, I'd be doing some sort of revision which involves real past paper questions; but nope, I've lost all motivation for the night and what better way to wrap things up than by asking an all philosophical question?

''If the only thing I know is nothing, then do I know something?''

Yes. This is the kind of thing that runs through my mind.

All-day, every-day.

Challenge cuatro; if someone pisses you off, respond in a passive-aggressive way. Take a deep breathe and keep calm; their reactions when they find you did not react in a way that they expected them to will be priceless.

And Vice-versa.

If you're trying to get through to someone because they messed with the wrong people who happened to be your friends, don't jump on them. Use small, psychological techniques and although it takes time, they will eventually crumble.

Inspiration? Iago from Shakespeares' Othello.

Greatest of luck to you if you get caught.

Greatest of luck to you if you get caught

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