My Boys- Chapter 4

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Hey guys!

Thanks for those who read the previous chapters and for some who left some comments. :)

So here's another update.

BTW, look at Tyler on the right. Is he hot or what? drool*

The song for this chappy is Fearless by Taylor Swift (Click on the Youtube link to listen).

Enjoy :p


Chapter 4

The week passed by so fast I didn't even notice it's already Friday. I'm so exhausted with all the school work our teachers are giving us.

Gosh I can't wait to go home and watch my favorite series I missed this week. Damn homework.

I started counting mentally the minutes left until the final bell. Playing with my fingers on the table. 

'five, four, three, two, one'


I rushed outside to my locker but suddenly, someone stopped me to my tracks. Damn it. I just wanna go home. I turned and saw him... Yes, Drake!

"Hey Bree." greeted Drake smiling confidently. 

I blushed furiously. Oh gosh Matty and Ty might see him. What the heck's he thinking?

"Hey Drake." I responded with a smile.

He's really cute. He's wearing an Abercrombie and Fitch gray shirt that fits him perfectly. Especially on the chest part . And the abs part. And the shoulder part. Okay I will stop now.

'Bree stop drooling'  I mumbled to myself.

You would have an idea of what's inside his shirt 'cause you could see the toned muscles he has. He paired the shirt with a nice jeans the fits him oh so sexily, and a DC sneakers.

He's so ho-ho-hot!

"So you're coming later at Jer's party?" he asked.

Not having any idea as to what am I recently thinking. Thank god for that.

There's a party later at Jeremy's house since it's Friday and his parents are out of town. I'm sure everyone at school are invited. His house is huge, with big pool and all that. 

"Probably. How 'bout you?" I asked. Glancing everywhere for Matty and Ty.

He must have noticed my movement because he looked at me and said,

"You know, you don't really have to have to ask for their permission if you want to do something." He said giving me a soft smile.

His eyes piercing into mine making my heart beat fast. It feels like he could see my thoughts through his eyes. Oh gosh he's really handsome. 

I stared at him. I don't know what to say. I was distracted with other thoughts. 

Is he right? Should I do what I really want and stop asking for their opinion? They're my best friends, not parents. 

"Whatever. I'll see you later." I smiled at him, acting cool.

Then I quickly left, not wanting to have that kind of conversation again. It's feels uncomfortable talking to him about that. This is the part wherein I really wish I have a girl friend to talk to.

I walked to the parking lot and approached the car of Ty. I saw him leaning on his car looking like a Hollister model. I rolled my eyes. He's really just cool like that. 

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