My Boys- Chapter 19

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Bree's POV

Oh gosh, oh gosh this is the day. This is the freakin' freakin' day. Oh God I'm so nervous. I'm freaking out. Today is the big day. The big game against Seaside High, and the school dance afterwards. Also, today is when we tell Matty about US. My goodness, I think I'm gonna be sick.

I'm now in my room, still in my bed with butterflies in my stomach. I looked at the clock, it's 5:54 am. I even woke up before the alarm went off. That's how anxious I am. This day should be perfect.

I know I should get moving like, right now. Then I heard my phone beep. I look at the screen and it says 'Ty'. My heart instantly warmed with the sight of his name written in my phone screen and I immediately opened it.

'Good morning Bee! Today's the big day. Time to shower my baby. ;)'

I stared at the screen. He called me baby. Again. Hmm. Still not used to that.

I prepared my outfit for the day and so for my dress this evening. I cannot wait to wear it. It's so beautiful and elegant. I bought the dress yesterday with Leila in this cute little dress shop downtown. It's a peach lacy dress that just fits perfectly. Not too short, not too long. It looks so classy and I hope Ty would like it.

I showered quickly and went straight to blow dry my hair in my bathroom. Then, I applied a bit of make-up I learned on YouTube from my favorite you-tuber. It's just simple, perfect for this day. Since I know that there will be random pictures that would be taken for the school paper. Even though I know I might get silly candid photos, I should still look presentable.

I wore Tyler's jersey paired with a denim shorts and plain white sneakers. This year, they improved the design of the jerseys. It is still blue, with the number on the front and back, but it's much more fitter and thicker, and is really intended for a girl's body. I smiled seeing the name Maxwell at the back.

I went down for breakfast and was surprised that Leila is already up and eating.

"Hey cuz!" She greeted. Her long, dark hair is tied in a ponytail.She already had her make up done, though a bit more lighter today. She looks beautiful. She's wearing the jersey of Matty paired with short denim skirt and a hot pink sneakers.

"Hi pretty." I smiled.

She looks extra pretty today. I hope she's ready cause' I know there will be rumors about them afterwards but I know she could handle it.

I went to make some coffee. Gosh I really need some caffeine in my system right now. Knowing the day would be busy and would be filled with different activities.

"So are you ready? I know you would be busy today. With the dance and all." Leila said. Stuffing her mouth with pancakes.

"I'm actually nervous. The whole team have been so busy this week preparing for the dance. I have to check later if everything's all set. I need to move fast later since I should stay throughout the game and get ready for the dance later. Good thing all has been set up at the school beforehand. All we have to do is make sure the food will be ready before the dance starts."

"Relax Bree. I know you've been working so hard for this. I saw you every night working on your computer and talking with the student council members on the phone. It's gonna be awesome." She assured.

She's right. Nothing can go wrong. I felt a bit of worry leave my mind. It's fine. Everything would be perfect.

When we arrived at the stadium we went straight to Ty and Matty's bench. They were with their teammates getting ready for the the game. I guess they already warmed up since they all look sweaty and ready. On the other side of the stadium were the Seaside's team. Wearing their school color that is green.  All are pretty excited for the game. There were pictures flashing everywhere, flags, balloons and many other things you could see. Football is quite a big deal in this school. You could really feel the school spirit. The cheerleaders of both schools are starting to warm up for their cheers and yells.

"Hey guys!" I greeted as I approached the team.

They smiled when they saw us and my stupid heart instantly fluttered by the sight of Tyler. His brown eyes were full of emotions. Excitement, determination and happiness. I know he loves football very much and his team are looking up for him as a role model.

"Bree!" Matty immediately grabbed me for a bear hug. He's really a sweet guy. "Where's my macarons?" He said with his puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes at him. It's been our tradition that I would give him macarons before the first big game. His favorite macarons are the ones that are from this popular tea house in Paris. My mom bought boxes of it once for us to try and he fell in love with it. It's so delicious and really sweet.

I gave him a small box and his eyes glowed with happiness.

"I still actually don't know how you manage to get these Bree. Thanks so much, you're the best!" He kissed my forehead.

"I have my ways. And you're always welcome." I winked at him as he stuffed his mouth with the little macarons, walking away. He didn't even bothered to share it with his friends. I silently laughed. So Matty.

I never told him how I get those macarons just for fun.

"How did you...?" Leila asked. Her face full of curiosity.

"I know a restaurant that gets their macarons in Paris. They have a website wherein you could order them online and be delivered at your doorstep. It's usually a special delivery since they don't deliver in this side of the city so I pay additional fee."

I don't want to think of how much I paid just to get a box of it here. But I know it'll be worth it since I know my best friend would be happy.

"Now I know!" Said the familiar voice behind me. He turned me and kissed my nose and draped one of his arms on my shoulder.

Ty is in his uniform and you could clearly see his very yummy I mean athletic body. His hair is quite disheveled but anything suits him.

He smells so good. Like mint and a bit of cologne and soap. It's so addicting! I turned my head so my face would be facing his chest and I sighed. This guy right here... I'm so in lo-

"Bee?" he whispered in my ear. His warm breathe tickling my ear giving me goosebumps.

"Um, yes?" I asked innocently.

"Are you sniffing me baby?" his voice so low and very husky.

Oh gosh. Busted. Now he thinks I'm a creeper who sniffs. So embarrassing!

"Course not! I was just-"

"Hey Bree! who's this beautiful lady wearing James' jersey?" Jeremy cut me off. I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank goodness I wouldn't need to explain my sniffing marathon to him.

Jer's eyes are roaming all over Leila's body, so was the other guys. Leila just smiled at them.

"Guys this is my cousin, Leila. She'll be staying here for a few weeks." I introduced each of them to Leila.

"Welcome to Rosewood Leila. I hope Matt is giving you all that you needed here." he winked. I'm sure he means other things. Leila just laughed.

"Shut up Jer. She's with me." Matty interrupted pulling Leila to his side.

"Oh alright, man. Got it." he said, smiling gesturing a surrender with his hand.

I gave Matty a look. Was that just jealousy I see? I looked at Ty and he also saw it in Matty's eyes.

Hmmm now that's interesting.

"Alright guys. The game's about to start. I suggest you get ready and put some retouches on your make up." Coach Davis said to his team.

"Good luck guys!" Leila and I said to them. I kissed the cheeks of both Ty and Matty and gave some hugs to the team.

"See you later boyfriend." I whispered to Ty.

"Love you baby."


Finally! An update after so many years! So I hope you're still reading this guys. :)

Tell me what you think. Comment below. Thanks!

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