My Boys- Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"Leila." Ty finally said after minutes of silence.

"I was just wondering what took you so long. Now I know what came up." she said looking at the two of us.

"PleasedonttellMatty" I said hurriedly.

"Why? He has the every right to know." she replied.

"We're telling him after the game." I said nervously. "So please let me be the one to tell him." I added

"The big game?"she asked.


"Alright." She said, returning back to the living room.


Finally, tomorrow's the big day. Both for me and Ty. Tomorrow is the back to school dance which I am the head and Ty's football game against Seaside High. Also, tomorrow's the day we're gonna tell Matty about us.

We've all done the preparations for the dance. From the decorations to the food, music...etc. I was so busy these past few days but now, I'm a bit excited and nervous at the same time.

This dance should be successful and it should be perfect. We've done a great job promoting it since it seems to be the fuss at school lately. Besides the game, of course. You can see posters everywhere and the freshmen are the most excited about it since the event is really for them.

Matty, Tyler and I barely hung out because they too were busy practicing and training. I talk to Ty on the phone every night for just an hour max to talk about our day. But I could tell he's just forcing his eyes to be awake so I always tell him to sleep early while I do my homework.

Thank God Leila kept our secret. After our truth or dare game three days ago she acted normal. I also invited her to the dance which will be happening after the game.

Poor football players, I know they just want to rest or relax after their game but the principal insisted that the game will be on Friday afternoon and the dance will be at night.

"Bree?" I turned and saw a girl maybe a sophomore. I'm at my locker, returning some of my books and notebooks for the day.

She has this curly blonde hair that looks so cute on her. Her eyes are wide and gray-ish.

"Yes?" I asked. Trying to look friendly

"Um, well I was tasked to give this to you by the cheer committee for the game tomorrow." she said handing me two jerseys wrapped in clear plastic.

She seems so shy and kinda nervous. Well I guess upperclassmen especially the seniors intimidate them. Which is not good by the way.

"Why two?" I asked confused since Matty knows that I'll be wearing Ty's jersey this year.

"They said that Matt insisted it to be given to you. You should see the girls in the room. They were all waiting to hear who will wear Matthew James' jersey. Cause' Tyler already told them that you'll be wearing his. You're so lucky!" she squealed. Then covered her mouth as if she realized she did something innapropriate

I rolled my eyes. What's up with Matty? That stubborn brat. I'll just talk to him later.

"Alright. Thanks." I smiled putting the shirt inside my soon-to-explode bag.

"But Breeeeeeeeeee..." Matty said pouting his lips. I just told him that it's Ty's turn this year.

"Matty, you should know by now that there are plenty of girls who would love to wear your jersey. I wore yours last year so its Ty's turn this year. That's what we agreed on right?"

He pouted sticking out his lower lip.

"But it's our last year here and I want you, my bestest friend in the world to wear it. Don't you want to wear it?" he asked with a sad sad face.

God, people have no idea how Matty is like this when he's with us. Girls would give anything just to see him pout his lips.

"Aaw of course I would Matty. If I could split my body into two, I would both wear yours and Ty's."

"Matt get a grip it's just a jersey." Ty said.

We all know it is not just a jersey. Wearing one of the football player's jersey is a big deal. It's an 'honor' to wear one.

That's what the school thinks. It's a tradition at Rosewood High. When you're wearing one at the game, it means that you are special to the player whose number and name you're wearing. It's also your job to cheer like hell for them. Yeah, there are cheerleaders bur really, all they do is dance some routines and cheer with their cute little voices and chants.

As a jersey wearer, you are expected to shout and cheer enough that you'll have a sore throat for days. And every year, I'm experiencing it a lot cause' I cheer not to one, but two players even though I'm wearing only one jersey.

"I have an idea." I told Matty, grinning.

"What?" he said still pouting.

"Give me your phone." I said, reaching for his iphone.

I then went to his own Facebook account. I typed:

'Who wants to wear my shirt tomorrow? First one to like.'

And I hit share.

I waited for a few seconds and there are pings everywhere. One notification, then two, three, four... Wow. I stared at the screen and it showed that it has 99+ on the top of his news feed.

"What's that beeping sound?" Matty asked, looking so clueless.

In just one minute there are 196 likes and 89 comments. I read the comments and they were all from girls giving him their number and begging him to choose her. I also read someone saying he'll give a special sensual massage afterwards. Ew.

I shook my head and showed them the screen.

"Are you insane? I can't just give my jersey to a random girl. It'll create expectations from the girl. She'll think I'll propose and all that. Don't forget that she'll also be my date at the dance. Another reason for expectations. And people at school will hate her big time. Whoever she'll be. It'll lead to bullying." Matty rambled.

Yeah I haven't thought about it like that. Wow Matty thinks brilliantly under pressure. Where's all this analyzing skills when we're doing homework?

The dance... now that I think about it, I realized Ty would be my date.

Tyler... wearing a tux.

Gosh gosh I so can't wait!

"Okaaay. So I guess random technique is out." I said defeated. Then quickly deleted his post on his Facebook.

"That's why you should wear it. Cause' no one will touch you. Everybody knows that if someone will touch even just a strand of your hair on your head they'll never see the end of day from me and Ty."

Ugh. The protective speech again.

"Bree can I borrow your curling iron? I seem to have lost mine." Leila asked as she entered room wearing nothing but a bathrobe.

"Ty are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I said to him grinning.

"Yep." he answered with a pop on the p.

We stared at Matty and Leila back and forth.


"What?" Matty asked the same time as Leila said "Bree?"

"Lei let's go shopping. You and I are going to a dance."


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