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I have become obsessed with the world.
No kidding, I wanted to know about everything.
Yugi said something about 'curiosity killed the cat', and when I asked what cat, he huffed asked me a question himself.
"Don't you have anything in the spirit world?"
I shook my head slowly. "Very few things, Yugi. The spirit world may have it's ups, but it's a very grim place to live."
Yugi cracked a smile. "At least it isn't the shadow realm."
I stopped walking, and I felt my face go pale.
"How do you know about the shadow realm?"
Yugi shrugged and started walking again, and I followed my thoughts mainly worried.
I let my mind wonder once I got sick of the same one, the one were what would I do if Yugi I never have met my little Yugi.
I wonder if he likes me.
The thought came before I could stop it.
Your in love with Yugi.
Stop it!
Don't deny it!
I have a part of myself that's childish and won't listen.
You liiiikkkeee him.
This is getting ridiculous!
"Yami? Are you okay, your holding your head.." Yugi said worriedly peering close to me.
I need to control my feelings.

{Monday/ 4:30five minutes after arrival to apartment}

Traveling back to the apartment was easier than the way to school. Yami was strangely silent-caught up in thought- whereas the whole time I was scribbling on my latest science assignment.

"And that's why particles are vital substances for life." I sighed as I closed up my folder and put it in my book bag.

"I can't wait till' I can take a nap." I said, leaning back with my elbows on my head. I took a deep sigh of bliss, and closed my eyes listening to every tiny squeak of the house.

"You can't fall alseep right now!" Yami said, and when I peeked open an eye, I nearly fell over laughing.

Yami's eyes were, wide, clear, and serious. road.

He really thought I was going to fall asleep.

"Yami I'm not going to fall asleep."

"I am your warrior so if you fall alseep I can-!" I cut off Yami by putting my hand to his mouth and giving a hard stare.

"You are my cousin. You come from Texas and like vanilla over chocolate. You are a normal human being who does normal human things."

Silence, and for a moment I was scared I offended him.

"I don't like Texas though..."

I playfully slapped Yami and cracked a smile, and warmth filled the room as we started laughing like crazy. I finally managed to stifle the last of my giggles and wiped a tear from my eye.

"Good to laugh every once in a while."

Yami dipped his head deeply in agreement.


(Monday 9:30 P.M Apartment/Yugi's room)

I yawned and tugged on my right sock.

"Where am I going to sleep?" Yami asked, entering. I gave him one of Joey's old PJ's that he gladly handed over.

It was funny seeing him in cotton sheep pajamas.

"On the couch. Or you can try a sleeping bag."

Yami poked the sleeping bag tentatively, peering closer and nodding excitedly.

"Yeah, I want to sleep in here with the sleeping bag."

I nodded and yawned once again, exhaustion finally hitting me. I tossed Yami a spare pillow and reached over to turn out the light when I felt a hand grip my wrist.

"Yugi, I..."

I looked up my eyes wide staring into his that I've recognized for years.

Suddenly, all other thoughts of mine disappeared and all I could think about was the same thing.

Yami Yami Yami.

"Nevermind, goodnight my little aibou..." Yami gave me a bone crushing hug, and then reached over to turn out the light cloaking the room in darkness. I felt myself being tucked in, and thanked Ra for the lights being out considering my raspberry colored face.

Yami laid down and quickly fell alseep, his even breath like a melodic rhythm that worked as a lullaby. I felt myself being drawn to sleep.


{Morning 5:45/Apartment}

"Again why are we up so early?" Yami yawned stretching out of his sleeping bag. I pressed the off button on my alarm, and sat up rubbing my eyes.

"I take as long as a girl to get ready."


I nodded and stood up, preparing everything I would need. I silently made a promise to clean my room after school.


"I'm going back to sleep wake me up at nine..." Yami turned over and fell asleep again. I thought for a moment.

"Yesterday was just your first day..."

I decided to let him sleep in, and finished everything.

"Wow only 6:17... Hmm." I looked outside and noticed the sun shining beautifully on the Autumn leaves.

"Yami I'm going to go for a short walk. I'll be back in thirty minutes to wake you up."

A grunt, which I took as an okay. I shut the door quietly behind me and left.

{6:20 Morning/Outside 3 blocks from apartment}

I strolled down the street blocking out the vile smells of smoke and trash that must have been out for days.

No, weeks.

I instead peered closer at every tree I passed studying each limb and thought of how if was different from the last.

I turned another block, when I heard a scream.

"Help! Somebody help me!!" That was Tea's voice.

"Tea I'm coming!" I yelled, and ran off like a shot. The scream led me to a shockingly familiar alleyway, but I brushed off my doubts until the screams were just around the wall. I turned, and gasped.

{Dream/ Time 6:30}

"All those times I've been unsatisfied, reaching through my thoughts.." A song played in the background as I waltzed around the room, with someone I couldn't recognize. It was amazing, and when the music stopped I could hear the masked person whimper in disappointment.

"Hey, what's that?" I said, looking towards a giant painting on the wall.

It had a few different images, like it was a comic strip.

But what caught me off guard was it showed Yugi lieing down with someone cradling him with tears in his eyes. I quickly looked away to avoid the sight of the terrible scence.
I woke up with sweat running down my face and feeling strangely cold. I sat up and looked around.
"Yugi...? Crap." I stood up quickly running around throwing on whatever was nearby. There was a strange power in the air-bad news for Yugi. I than ran out;I had to find Yugi.

Hehe sorry for the short chappie...

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