Verge of darkness

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Yugi's concious/unconsious thoughts:

Pain ripped through my body, I wish I could scream. But in all truth my mouth was sealed shut in slumber. I wanted to cringe, writhe, but all I could do was endure the endless pain. Nothing was on my mind.

Other than wishing I was dead to end the pain.

I'd rather be dead than be silently tortured!

"Hang in there, Yugi.." Someone distant said. I wanted to yell for help, squirm, anything.

I managed to cough out the words that have been on my mind.

"Kill me, Yami."

I heard some faint gasps, and then the world went black once again.


"Kill me, Yami.." Yugi said, looking like he used the rest of his strength. I gasped in horror as his breathing slowed down even more. He wasn't even sweating any more!

"GRAMPS!" I yelled looking back up as the vehicle abrubtly stopped. We were here.

I didn't even give him time to say something, I grabbed Yugi and rushed into the ER. A few people gave me odd looks but I rushed straight towards the info circle. The lady stood up and directed us urgently to the nearest room. We were halfway there when one of the doctors snatched Yugi from my arms and placed him on a gurney. One of the nurses held me back.
Helpless, all I could do is watch as my Yugi was pulled into darkness.
|•-A few long, worrisome hours later-•|
The doctor came out, a troubled look on his face as he walked over to me and Grandpa. He shook his head and started explaining Yugi's condition. I zoned out-fear going down my spine, sorrow filling my heart.
He couldn't be dead.
My eyes flew open, and rage replaced every others feeling I felt.
He wasn't dead, and he won't be. I shoved passed the doctor who cringed as I touched him, and walked into the room that held Yugi. It was a sad sight- Yugi had been hooked up to and IV and a heart monitor. The doctors apparently didn't understand what was going on, so they took it as a concussion, checking for internally bleeding and whatnot.
Yugi wasn't bleeding. It wasn't the problem.
I walked to his bed shoving back the scurrying nurse. She was antsy, and she trotted away. I gripped Yugi's hand, and mumbled a prayer. I fell asleep, exhaustion overcoming my resistance.
|•-The next morning-•|
I felt a gentle tug on my sleeve. My eyes blinked open to see Grandpa pointing to another room. They were relocating Yugi.
I rushed after them, and stopped when I remembered something.
If you was in such as bad condition that means it's an emergency.
I quickly looked through my pockets-I only had a few clothes, and it I knew I put it in this one. My hand rested on a business card.
'Call me if you need me- (261-842-9903)

Say it only in emergencies.'
What's 'it'? Would she only come right away if I said it?
"It," I said jokingly. My phone rang. I questionly opened it to an unknown caller.
"I'm on my way." Oceana.
The line went dead.
|-•Thirty minutes later•-|
I stood near the room's window, leaving a handprint against the cold surface. Raindrops streaked against the glass making it hard to see through the window.
Yet when two headlights shined dimly through the window I felt it.

A jolt of power.
It was her.

I knew it from the beginning.

Oceana isn't her true name, is it?

Are you, sister?

-A few moments later-

"I see your well, Yami." Oceana said stepping into the room, her raincoat slick and shiny. She hanged it up on a rack and I gestured to the waiting chair next to me. Yugi was moving as much as a rock-still.

"You know I was hoping the first time you called me, it would be the both of you." Oceana sat down sweetly a fancy posture. Crossing her legs and sitting up straight only infuriated me more.

"Cut the crap, Oceana." I said, the words tasting like vile in my mouth. Her eyes widened and a hurt look was etched on her face for a moment, but then it was gone as soon as it appeared.

"Yami...I.." She said tears filling her eyes.

Oh god. Not the tears, anything but the tears...

My defense fell and I gave her a hug. She sniffled and hugged me back. I wiped away a tear as she fell back into the uncomfortable wooden chair.

"I can heal him if you like," Oceana hesitated for a moment before finishing.

I nodded.

A nurse walked in, clearly being surprised at seeing another visitor. After she acessed her, jelously filled her eyes but she quickly concealed it by standing up straighter.

"I su-!" The nurse started, but interrupted her by grabbing the lady's shoulder and tugging her out.

"Is there any way you can put an imaginary 'Do not disturb' sign on the wall right now, we have some matters to discuss.. about our son."

The nurse nodded in sympathy, and I dropped my hand. I went back inside and closed the door. Oceana was already healing-her palms extended over Yugi's chest an eeiry green light extending from her fingertips and soaking into Yugi. It looked sickening, but in all truth it's what could save you from the brink of death.

My head shot up.

The brink of death.

The verge of darkness, is what Yugi called it.

Oceana, bring Yugi from the verge of darkness and into the light.




Hewo :3 How are you guys today ^-^

I was very lazy today so I wrote the best chapter I could..
Today is my church's 25 anniversary! They did a calculation that for fifteen years they have 13,000 people that joined Gods kingdom because of their services! Isn't that amazing!

Oh and also, I'm writing a Ereri/Riren book for those who like Shingeki no Kyojin
(Attack on Titan)

It's almost over D:

But anyways don't you little Yagians worry.





ians-You people



WOW -girly noise-

Okay I'm done ^-^

Thank you for reading <3


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