The Ceremony

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The guard walked me down tunnels, and the only way I could see where I put my feet was the weak torch the guard held in his hand.
"Sir, pardon me for asking, but are we almost there?" I said scurrying closer to the guard as a cold draft swept over me.
I wish Yami was here.
I wish I had the guts to tell him I liked him.
I wish wishes could come true.
"Yes we're nearly there..."
I heard some keys jingle, and the click of a lock opening.
"Where are they?" I said peering into the room.
"I'm sorry Speaker, but I was ordered to..."
The guards elbow slammed into the back of my head, and I slumped forward.
Only a few things flitted through my mind.
Am I dead?
How unfortunate to die in the Spirit World.
Save me.
Everything went black.
I woke up groaning rubbing my head. My eyes fluttered open. I was surprised to be greeted by a fancy room of three times the size of the village house. It had a fluffy bed with golden embroidery sheets, and a lamp the color of cream. I looked down to see a tan shade carpet, and noticed two bookshelves on opposite sides of the room. There was a small computer desk set by the right side of the bed-which held some string, paper, glue, and board games.
The only off-putting thing was instead of doors was an iron gate, with two stationed guards on the outside.
"H-Hey!" I yelled my hands going around one of the bars. One of them grimaced while the other ignored me.
"Why did you do this to me! Please, answer that one question!" I pleaded trying to reach out to the guard. He turned towards me.
"We need you to preform the ceremony. That way the Spirit World will be saved before it collapses.."
"Why can't any other Speaker do it?"
"We couldn't get a hold of any other Speakers. Now of you value your life I recommend being quiet." The other guard snarled, blocking my path from the friendly one.
"W-What has become of my warrior?"
"Tch..." The second one said as the first one gulped.
"That's all I need to know..Thank you.."

"Dang it!" I yelled pounding my fist on the ground. I let Yugi go. For all I know he could be dead.

No. Don't think like that.

I had to find a way to get to Yugi. I couldn't just waltz in whistling. Then again- it is really dark in there. Maybe if I could disguise my face in some way...

I hid behind some bushes as a pair of soliders came round. They would be guarding the castle. This would be tough, but it could be done-no would be done. I moved when I memorized the path of all the moving guards. I singled out the weakest one. He favored his right left giving a small limp to his left, and by the looks of his young age he seemed to be a new recruit.

Picking up a three rocks, I threw the first one by the big doors. It landed six feet off, but it was good enough they didn't see the rock.

"Who goes there?"
I threw another one farther along. The rest of the guards who didn't seemed to notice were now alert. I threw the last one as far as I could-into the maze garden.


"Let's go men!" The head guard yelled, and they ran off. The one I was targeting lagged behind, and I cornered him. Whacking him with a thick stick, I stole his clothes and ditched his limp body by the castle turret.

I was solider.

I am a soldier.

I will save Yugi.


"Speaker of Domino, do you accept these terms?" A man scribbled down on a piece of parchment. I was currently tied to the desk chair while the man sat comfortably on the bed. I huffed.
"Like I have a choice, right?"

"I suppose you don't."
The man wrote a few more words and then stood up.

"The ceromony will start in a few minutes."

"W-What? Don't I get some information about it, or even a hour to get ready?"

"You don't need to know about it. You don't need to get ready."

I weakly struggled against the strong knots over my wrists and ankles.

"Ghost Speaker, good luck..." The man dipped his head respectfully before exciting the beautiful prison.

This isn't good.
A few moments later the nearest guard got news to bring Yugi to the Glass Room that was being prepared as they spoke.
"Stop struggling..." The guard said as he held the boy by the elbow and brought him briskly down the hall. Yugi moaned slightly and slumped in defeat.
"You aren't going to die."
"You don't know that."
The guard stopped. For a moment Yugi believed he had his pity, but it was just the entrance to the Glass Room.
"Good luck, kid. Hint of advice-don't use all your power."
With that Yugi was kicked in. The room was filled with glass, which was why it was obviously called the glass room. Every inch had a reflective surface, even the ground which looked more like a crystal. Yugi looked around in panic.
A voice boomed over the loudspeaker and for the first time Yugi noticed he was standing in the middle of a circle. He remembered Yami drawing something like this and realized it must be a magic circle. A small handprint was in the middle.
"Put your hand inside." The voice instructed.
With nothing left to do, Yugi put his hand in. Surprisingly, the stone then encased his hand into a small cover. Yugi tugged at it.
The speaker boomed, "It will only release your hand once you finish the ceremony."
Yugi grimaced, the hopelessness of the situation finally setting in. He silently wished Yami was here.
"Read the words on the wall."
Yugi looked up to see some ancient writing.
"I only know English."
"You'll know how to read it."
Yugi opened his mouth and started talking, the words involuntarily flowing in his mouth. The farther he got down the long script, the more the air seemed to get tighter and harder to breathe. By he time he said the last word he was gasping.
"I-Is it over?" Yugi said. He felt like all the power drained out of him.
"Yes. You did great Speaker."
Yugi satisfied of it being over, collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.
"Speaker? Speaker!" The boom box screeched. All Yugi could do was lie still as the world slowly went black.
Right after Yugi fainted, Yami bursted through the doors.
"Yugi! I'm so sorry.." Yami held Yugi in his lap cradling him.
"W-We need to get you to a hostpital. A human hostpital.
Yami picked him up, a heavy weight weighing down on his heart. He failed to protect the little one, even if it was from the person who assigned the task.

Shouts came from outside-most likely down the hall. Yami quickly slung the boy over his back gently and ran out, praying they didn't notice him. They didn't, but then again, he still had to make it outside.

|-After Yami made it outside-|

"Now to go back.." Yami said, hugging the unconcious Yugi. He took a big gulp and teleported them both back to the human world. It was expecially painful for Yami, since he didn't have the stability of the Speaker. But once he got through looked around. Yugi was still unconsious-the clock was the same, yet panic was in Yami still.

"Grandpa!" He yelled running into the old man's room. The lights were off and there was a big lump on the bed. He was still sleeping. Yami ran over to him and shook him until he woke up.

"Yugi's hurt, we have to get him to the hostpital!"

Grandpa was off like a shot slipping into his clothes, and starting the car while Yami brought Yugi into the car. On the way there Yami explained what happened.

"So he must be drained.. that's very dangerous for someone of Yugi's age. We need to hurry." With that, Grandpa stepped on the pedal zig-zagging through traffic. Yugi's limp body seemed to be covered in sweat.

Hang in there, Yugi, Yami thought.

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