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"Dang it!"

I love you, Yami!

"DAMN IT!" I yelled, hitting the wall next to me with my fist.

I could have had Yugi. If I had said anything. Anything, even if I said I didn't like him! But saying nothing is worse!

I slid to my knees crumpling on the ground shutting my eyes.

What if..

I giggled, insanely and my eyes whipped open. I could feel the tears, and water soaking into my back but I ignored it.

"I still have a chance, right?" I hiccuped slightly.

Maybe if Yugi let's me talk to him...

I should leave him alone for the night, at least...

I mumbled something that would earn me a slap from Oceana, and walked back to Yugi's apartment. Grandpa would most likely be at the hostpital now that it was night, so it would be safe.

As long as Yugi doesn't tell him about the 'incident'..

I sighed, and lay down the couch, tossing and turning through the night. When I finally fell asleep, the only thing I could think of was bacon.
Haha just kidding. It was Yugi.




It was surprising to find out I was well enough to go home after one night. I mean seriously, what is up with these people? I could have died and they were all like "Welp your good to go because you slept"

Not that I'm complaining.

Hostpitals.. I hate them because of the way they smell.

But then again, this was the first time I was in it for me. I've sadly have had to come here often due to Grandpa's multiple spine surgeries...

"Yugi!" A voice yelled out. I was walking out of the elevator, and I saw three figures run up towards me.

"Tristan? Téa? Joey?" I said in surprise. To me-it seemed like ages since I've seen them.

To them it was a day or two.

"We're so glad your alright!" Tristan said towering over me.

"Yeah, Yug. Don't scare us like that.." Joey said scratching his head.

"Yugi you had us so worried!" Téa said, hugging me. I smiled, grateful for my friends. They gave me my sense of normaltality back.

No ghosts.

No demons.

No kidnappers.

No Yami.

"Do you want to go out for burgers later?" Tristan said smiling. Téa and Joey nodded, and then looked at me.

To be honest, I wasn't really in the mood. But I had to get used to this again. No more adventures for me.

"Great, I'll pick you guys up at five!" Joey said.

"Yeah.. well I should get home.." I felt like picking at my head bandage for a bit. The hostpital people thought I had a concussion.

Crazy people.

"I can drive you home if you like, Yugi." Téa said, blushing slightly. Tristan and Joey strolled away following their noses to the cafeteria.

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