Chapter 19 (Pipers POV)

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Why would Alex do that?

I would have happily given up my life in the place of hers.

Yet here I am, soaked from the neck up and breathing. Panting yes, but still.

My hearts beating.

Pennsatucky will make sure both of us suffer now. Maybe I could talk to her. Tell her that it was all a misunderstanding...

No, Alex would be watching me like a hawk because of the stunt I just pulled.

I couldn't sit here and do nothing, while me and Alex had a deranged murder after us.

I could tell a lie and get her thrown in SHU, maybe worse. Psych.

But that plan didn't sit with me well. I didn't like having to decide what was best for other people.

I was in control of my life, barely. Let alone control someone else's.

Alex and I link our hands together as she lays with my head against her chest.

I listen to her heart beat. Because of me, her heart could stop beating because of Pennsatucky.

Alex adjusts into a more comfortable position that ends up with me on her lap. She rocks me slowly.

My eye lids start to get heavy, but then Yoga Jones walks in talking with Red.

I don't move, and neither does Alex. After they talk for awhile about boring little things, Alex and I stand with our hands still linked making our way to our dorm.

We both enter my cube and sit on my cot.

"Alex, what are we gonna do? Pennsatucky won't let you go unharmed." I shake my head, plans jumbling around.

But all of them ended up with someone getting hurt, and I couldn't do that. I wouldn't do that.

Alex gives me a dirty look.

"And what about you Piper. I care about your safety and you should too. Im not defenseless."

I just stare at her.

"I know. But I love you to much to let you get hurt."

Alex puts her hand on my shoulder.

"I won't Pipes." She says.

"Promise me." I blurt out. She can't promise things like that. Because safety could never be guaranteed around here.

But Alex doesn't think about guarantees or the possibility that one of us could get hurt, or worse.

She just takes a deep breath and looks me dead in the eye. Voice filled with confidence.

"I promise." She grabs my hand and pulls it to her mouth and kisses it.

"Will figure this out," I mumble. "So no one gets hurt."

But Im pretty sure Alex and I both hear how my voice isn't as confident as hers.


Short chappie, I know. Really bad writers block. Please message me with ideas.

I've met my match with this whole Pennsatucky thing and have no idea what might happen next.

Which is scary, since Im the author and all.😛

If you do message me, I'll try and incorporate your ideas into the next chapter. Later little spoons.😈

~ Gabrielle💁

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