Chapter 2 (Alexs POV)

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I head towards Pipers cube to hang out and talk with her. As I reach the cube, I hear Red and Nicky talking about something that has to do with their prison family.

"Hey Nicky, Hey Red. You guys seen Piper?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah, she went out for a run a couple of hours ago." Replies Nicky as she turns to face me.

"Okay, thanks Nicky." I reply.

"No problem Vause." She spins back towards Red and continues to talk to her as if I never had interrupted.

I walk towards the track and instantly see a blonde head bobbing around as she runs the track.

I approach the fence and smile. Piper really does get sucked into her own world as she runs.

I watch for a short while and finally think I should stop her before she kills herself from to much running.

"Piper!" I shout at a reasonable volume for her to hear and for the guards not to.

Immediately she stops and whirls around. Her face full of confusion and curiosity.

Me and her beautiful blue eyes connect and we just stare at each other for awhile.

Then finally she walks toward me, breathing heavily. I give a small chuckle and she just stares.

"You shouldn't run that long without stoping, you'll kill yourself Pipes." I say sternly.

"Im fine. I haven't been running that long-" She goes to walk back towards the track but I grab her arm.

"Pipes you need to sit. Nicky told me you have been out her for hours and I have been watching you also for awhile." I say concerned.

She willingly lets me pull her toward a tree she liked to sit at and read. I sit her down first and then I sit next to her.

Piper leans forward still panting slightly. I rub my hand in circles on her back. Her breath slowly comes to a steady rhythm.

I stare at Piper, sweat runs down her face making her look absolutely gorgeous. After she can breathe again, she leans her back against the tree.

"You okay Pipes? Something must be bothering you if your running like that." I gaze into her eyes and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and letting my hand rest on her cheek.

"Its just I was thinking about you and Larry... And-" she goes to finish her sentence but I cut her off, my hand instantly snapping back.

"So your going crawling back to Larry right?" I say suddenly mad. I stand up and start to walk off back towards the prison.

"Alex wait!" She yells.

"Go talk to Larry about it!" I start to walk faster.

And little did I know, that the next 4 words that came out of her mouth would practically stop time altogether.

"I want you, Alex!"

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