Chapter 39 (Pipers POV)

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So obviously, getting a tattoo hurts more than you think it would. Did I go through the process crying? No, but I did whine the whole time.

"Ouch!" I yelp. "I wish I had a freaking sedative or something."

Stella snorts but continues to do the mysterious tattoo she was to give me.

"Whats so funny?" I ask narrowing my eyes.

"You should embrace the pain. It makes you stronger, or at least it did for me." She says.

"Yeah well Miss Badass, Im not exactly like you now am I?" I say sarcastically.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" She grins.

"It was rhetorical, so hush." I giggle.

We laugh together and I almost forget about the pain in my arm. But like I said; almost.

Its still burning, like a lot. But at least its not like my arm is getting burned to death by an iron and then soaked in lava. Maybe I was overreacting a bit...

"So anyways," Stella says casually. "How long have you and this Alice chick been a thing?"

"Alex." I correct. "And we were a thing before Litchfield, we broke up for many years and found ourselves both in this prison together." My heart clenches at the thought of me kissing Stella earlier. Alex was mine, not her.

"Call it faith if you want, that we both end up in the same prison right after she sold me out. Unfortunate, coincidence; Hell, I don't even know what to call it. But me and Alex found each other  for a reason. I guess we're like magnets, you can pull them apart; but the attraction is still there. They always find themselves together again in the end. We can't stay away from each other, its inevitable that we end up together." I finish.

Stella's watching me carefully at this point, as if thinking about something. "Am I apart of the magnet attraction? Because I can't stay away from you, and you always end up right next to me." Stella says.

I open my mouth to say something but I shut it and sigh. What was Stella to me? I did feel something for her, but would I really jeopardize what I had with Alex for her?

Stella finishes up my tattoo wordlessly and by now its just throbbing and a dull ache.

"There you go. We should head back, its pretty late and last thing we need are those sacks of squid bits busting us." Stella gives me a small smile.

I laugh and we both stand, "What about the tattoo gun?" I ask.

"Eh, lets just hide it under the podium. Let the next couple to have sex here deal with it."

We walk out of the alter without another word.


"Hey pipes." Says a husky voice.

"Hey Al." I smile and kiss her cheek, as she pulls me in for a hug. I hide my face in the crook of her neck. The sweet sound of her heartbeat is felt against my own chest.

We sit in the corner of her cube then and just relax. Her head is in my lap and I stroke her hair softly.

"I heart you." She says lowly.

"Pussy." I laugh.

"I am what I eat, aren't I?" She laughs along with me.

Slapping her shoulder, she sits up and faces me. She gives me a gentle kiss on the lips that manages to give my goosebumps.

"Smartass." I murmur against her lips.

A low chuckle is heard and she nibbles on my lower lip sensually. "You know you love it." Alex replies sassily.

"Sadly I do." We laugh and she lays her head on my shoulder.

My eyes get heavy and the throb in my arm is still there, luckily Alex didn't see it yet since I had on long sleeves.

Nicky walks down the corridor with her face pale. "Dude I need help." She says shaking.

"Whats wrong Nicky?" Alex asks concerned.

"I just found drugs, and I don't know how to get rid of them." Nicky shakes.

"Fucking shit." I sigh.


Welcome back everyone! Damn its been awhile! I've been busy, sorry!!

This is short but Once Upon A Time is on in a few and I cant miss that. c:

So anyways, hope you enjoyed. I have a big question to ask right now!

Comment if you're team Stella or Alex! Im very curious! See ya guys!

~ Gabrielle💁🏻

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