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The retrieval team was brought back to Konoha where, despite the severity of their injuries, all managed to fully recover. When Naruto came to, he apologized to Sakura for not managing to keep his promise and failing to bring Sasuke back. Sakura didn't mind and still thanked Naruto for his wanting to fulfil his promise to her in the future. Afterward, Jiraiya offered Naruto a chance to leave with him for three years to train. Naruto accepted, and Jiraiya told him they would leave whenever he was ready. 

Then Tsunade come inside with Kakashi. Naruto and Sakura were looking at Tsunade with a question on their face. Tsunade was sigh knowing that they need to accept the next new. "Well, I had call you guys here to tell something. It's about Lucy Fullbuster." Said Tsunade calmly. Heard about Lucy had take their attention. They were not see Lucy since they busy of Sasuke's leaving. "What's about Lucy, Tsunade-sama?" Said Sakura nervously. She had a feeling that Lucy may follow Sasuke which it hurting her know that she doesn't have a chance to get Sasuke's love because she know that Sasuke love Lucy.

Kakashi has noticed of Sakura's expression. "Don't tell me that... She's leaving, right? She was going with Sasuke... Right, Tsunade-sama?" Said Kakashi afraid that he was right about that. Kakashi know of Lucy and Sasuke's feeling each other. And Kakashi had figured out that Sasuke want Lucy to stay by his side. Same as Lucy. She will do anything as long she get stay by his side. Tsunade was look down with a little sorrow on her face thinking of Lucy's sacrifice for their sake especially Uchiha's brother. Lucy want to save Uchiha Itachi from Uchiha Sasuke so that's why she have to do it.

"Yes, right. I'm afraid that will broke you guys after Sasuke's leaving. She had give a letter to me that she accepted Sasuke's invitation to go with him. And I don't think you can go over her. It's too late for you guys." Said Tsunade calmly even her heart was hurt that she have to let Lucy doing all by herself. Naruto was clench his fist tightly. Not only he losing Sasuke, he also losing Lucy too. "Damn it. Why she had to accept his invitation? Lucy... Why?" Said Naruto lowly. Tsunade was remember her conversation with Lucy last week.

~•~ Flashback ~•~

Tsunade : WHAT?! How do you know about that, Lucy?

Lucy : A vision. My vision had show me a truth about Uchiha's massacre. If you don't believe me, you can go to the store where Third hokage keep it. A secret scroll. I will show my vision later after you read it, Tsunade-sama.

Tsunade : It's okay. I'm trust you, Lucy. I guess this way will stop Sasuke's revenge.

Lucy : No, Tsunade-sama. Don't tell Sasuke about it. I have a plan. Uchiha Itachi... He had an illness disease. He can only have three years to live. So to get Itachi, I need to follow Sasuke. (Tell Tsunade of her plan)

Tsunade : (Shock to heard her plan) It may a good plan to save Itachi but that's mean you will do by your ownself, Lucy. It will be a dangerous. I can't let you do it alone, Lucy.

Lucy : Please, Tsunade-sama. I beg you to let me do it. I need to do this so Sasuke won't regret for that. Sasuke's revenge will hurt himself. I can't let him, Tsunade-sama. It will hurting him. Please let me do it, Tsunade-sama.

Tsunade : Why you do want to do that, Lucy? What about your future?

Lucy : Because he's everything to me. He's my life and my soulmate. I... I love Sasuke in my full heart. That's why, I need to do this. For his sake. I don't care about my future as long he safe. Please, Tsunade-sama.

Fairy x Naruto : Lucy's training (Book one) (Sasuke love story)Where stories live. Discover now