Level 12

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Y/n Pov


[X Class Quest Complete]

[Kill the army of Grimm and find the [Boss].]

[Reward: Level Up,Ranking Up, New Shadow, A Soldier, New Weapon, New Skill, New Item and New Scythe Ability]

[Do you accept?]


Holy sh*t!
That so many for a reward.
Is this reward for [X Class Quest]?
And why you ask do I accept?
Of course I accept!
I click [Yes].

[Level Up]

600,000 > 1,250,000

[Ranking Up]

[Congratulations! The Player has [Ranking Up] too [SSS Class].]

[Player has being granted a 250,000 Level Up]

[Level Up]

1,250,000 > 1,500,000

I shock at this.
I just level up and surpass 1,000,000 also ranking up!
This is the best!
Ok, now… calm down.

Y/n: Accept [New Shadow] reward.

I know what to do activate [Necromancer] and look at the Grimm corpse.

[Necromancer can be used on this target]

I smirk because I get more strong Shadow.

Y/n: Awake.

Like always the tendril appear and wrap the Grimm corpse.
I know they level will be same before they die.
I then look around to find what I want, and…
I found it.
That Human-Bird Grimm
I then look at him

[Necromancer can be used on this target]

I smile at this because I get more powerful Grimm with me

Y/n: Awake.

The tendril wrap around the corpse but something happen…
When I look around I just see a darkness.
It same when I make Leo as one of my Shadow.
Then the darkness gone.
When I look at Black the tendril has finish wrap it.

Y/n: Let's me guess?

He then look at me

Y/n: You still talk right?

I ask him.
He then bow to me.

Black: Of course, my king.

I smirk at this.

Y/n: That good.

Y/n: And also, your name still Black.

Black: Understood, my king

I use [Observe] on him.

[Black LVL 650,000]
     Rank: General

I call back him to my shadow.

Y/n: Accept [A Soldier] reward.

[Your Shadow Soldier being double]

Magnus - 400 > 800
Krauss - 16 > 32
Zerg - 160 > 320
Kitsu - 4 > 8
Barog - 150+4= 154 > 308
Kangaroo - 200 > 400
Rajan - 20 > 40
Minotaur - 100+10= 110 > 220
Buffalo - 200+20= 220 > 440
Leo - 2 > 4
Wolf - 450 > 900
Black: 1

Total: 3,477 Shadow Grimm

Wait, why Black not being double?


From Commonplace to Remnant Strongest (RWBY X OP Male Reader) [Volume. 1]Where stories live. Discover now