Level 11

7.8K 116 58

Y/n Pov

Now I am flying on the back of Krauss while thinking an strategy to defeat the [Boss].

Y/n: If I call my Shadow, can it enough to hold the boss?

Y/n: I think it not enough.

Then I remember something.

Y/n: Wait, did I accept my other reward?

Then the log appear


[The [Player] still don't accept other reward]

I facepalm at this, how I almost forgot about this.

Y/n: *sigh* Accept the other reward.

[Your Shadow Soldier being double]

Magnus - 200 > 400
Krauss - 8 > 16
Zerg - 80 > 160
Kitsu - 2 > 4
Barog - 2 > 4
Kangaroo - 100 > 200
Rajan - 10 > 20
Minotaur - 5 > 10
Buffalo - 10 > 20
Leo - 1 > 2

Total: 836 Shadow Soldier

Wow! I don't know that my soldier can be a lot as this.
Well time to see my new skill.

Y/n: Accept [Skill] reward.


New [Skill]:

Shadow Protection: This skill will protect the user from any harm using the user shadow. [LVL MAX]

Fast Healing: This skill allow the user to heal anything even the user. It can cure any disease. It cost 100 Aura. [LVL MAX]

Night Vision: Allow the user to see anything in darkness[LVL MAX]

Then it stop mean that all.
But, seriously that to overpower for the [Fast Healing]

Y/n: Accept [Item] reward.



Book of Darkness: A book that contain every single spell of dark magic in it. The user can use any spell.

Wait! What?
I can use magic?
But... Oh yeah, maybe it make sense because... I now is a [Player] that make me can use magic, right!?
Let's keep that thing from now.
And let's look at other item.

Hoodie of Demon: When the user wear it, the user will grow a horn, a tail and a wing of demon.

That... Something, I think?
Next item!

Lien: a money (50,000,000)

Yep, I rich like hell right now.

Y/n: What can I do with this money if there is not a shop here!

I said while grow a tick mark.
The the log appear


[The [Player] can buy something in the Gamer Shop]

My eye twitch at this.

[Enjoy buying]

Y/n: Go to the hell!!!

Ah, almost forgot I.On.The.Hell.
I sigh at this and calm myself.

Y/n: How I gonna open it?


[The [Player] just need to say "Shop" and a shop log will appear]

Thank you, system.

Y/n: Shop

From Commonplace to Remnant Strongest (RWBY X OP Male Reader) [Volume. 1]Where stories live. Discover now