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???:"Y/n, wake up!". Said someone while aggressively shaking me awake.

Y/n: I'm up, I'm up! Stop shaking me Ruby!

I said as I opened my eyes.

The white room we were in was blinding to me, which was quickly adjusted to. She then sigh in relieved.

Ruby: You are worried me, You know!

Y/n: Sorry to make you worried Ruby.

I then scanning the new place and spot a lady with blonde hair sitting on a chair and look at us to wake up.
Speaking of which, everyone is still unconscious except me and Ruby and some other guy I forgot.

The lady then look at me when I look at her.

Mysterious Lady: "Could you wait until everyone wakes up so I can tell you all what happen," she said to us. Ruby and I nodded.

It took around 20 minutes for the last person to wake up, which was the dude that always sleep on the class. When we were all set, the lady cleared her throat, all of us listening quietly.

Mysterious Lady: "Hello, and let me introduce myself, my name is Glynda Goodwitch and you are all in a different world now!" she said.

The rest of us gasped. I was just calm to process the infomartion but deep inside me is...

Y/n mind: What. The. Hell!!! Are you kidding me!!!???

Glynda: "I am the Prime Minister of Vale, the kingdom you are in. Now you may wondering why you are here." she said,most of us did a semi nod.

Glynda:"Well, I and a few other helped me summon you all here. Now, the reason was that we need a couple of otherworldly warriors to help us."

I started listening intently from there.

Glynda:"We have no idea if your world had superpower or not, so we have to ask you all if you did." she asked.

Weiss: No miss.

Glynda:"*sigh* That quite unfortunate. We have to begin lessons tomorrow then." she said.

Glynda: "Before that, however, we must present you before the King, and appraise you all with a weapon tool." the Prime Minister said.

Then our class monitor that is Jaune spoke up

(Narrator: Jaune Arc the team leader of JNPR. The one who smart one in class as long with Y/n, he to is a good friend with Y/n and his date his teammate Pyrrha Nikos.)

Jaune: So if we beat them do we get go back?

Glynda: Of course, you can all back when we are done here.

Everybody had sad faces when they heard it.

Glynda:"Now, follow me, children, we have much to do." she said.

After a maze way of halls and stairs, we finally reached the King. He was in the throne room waiting for us to arrive.

He rose from his throne and lifted his arm.

King: "Welcome to my kingdom, Vale. My name is Ozpin and I hope you will be comfortable here for now, until you are sent back." he spoke

Ozpin:"Now, we will check your rank, aura and semblance." he said.

A maid push a cart with floating, spinning cube on top of it, appeared from some back doors.

From Commonplace to Remnant Strongest (RWBY X OP Male Reader) [Volume. 1]Where stories live. Discover now