Level 5

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Y/n Pov

Now I on the floor again but instead being bullies, I being batrayal to die. I  open my eyes and see that I still alive. So, the God to hate me huh!? I wake up and talk to myself...

Y/n: So nobody's coming to rescue me... What should I do now? Why do I have to suffer like this? What did I  do? Why did this happen to me? We were brought here in some crazy turn of event, my classmates, except team RWBY and JNPR, betrayed me, and the enemies in this place are too damn powerful! What do I want in hopeless pit of despair? I want to survive and go home... Everything between me and home is my enemy! That's right. If something is in my way, if someone's forcing me to do shit...

Y/n: Then I will kill them!

Then my stomach growl...

Y/n: I'm thirty and hungry.

I stand up a walk with my empty stomach.
Suddenly, I fall to a hole and crash to a stone, before I black out I fell a water and touch it...

Y/n: at least, I found a water before dead. Hahaha...

I laugh to myself and black out.

After a minute...

I open my eyes again and surprise that I don't dead.
I took out my Scroll and see my stat

Name: Y/n L/n
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Rank: <???>
Aura: 10
Lvl: 0<???>
Semblance: <???>

Weird I though I gonna die. Oh yeah almost forgot the God hate me.

Then the Scrool ring.
I then see...

Scroll text: Your Aura being healed by Aura Stone.

Aura Stone!? Don't tell me...
I then look at the water that I touch and see above the puddle is a glowing stone.

I shocked at this.
From what I read, Aura Stone is a  precious gem, written about in legends.
The story said that the stone took 20,000 years to grew itself, absoarbing nutrients at an astronomical level, completely exhausting the earth serrounding it.

The saturation of Aura turns to liquid and begin to flow from the stone.
That liquid is called Aura Water, and it can heal any injury and heal Aura with no time.

But, to be able to discover it here when in a dying state...

Guess my luck hasn't ran out yet.

But, my stomach is still hungry.

Y/n: Argh!!! I don't care if I have to eat Grimm. I will frickin' eat it!

I use my Dust glove and make a huge hole in the ground.

Y/n: That should do!

I crawl out of the hole and see a Beowolves

Y/n: Yoo-hoo! Hey you oversized muts! You hungry!? How about a tasty human, right here!?

One of the wolves howled which made the other charge at us.
I slid down my makeshift shelter as now the Beowolves came down the hole.
I jump over the trap, but the Beowolves didn't see the it and fell in.
I closed them in.

Y/n: Shut the hell up! I am pissed off 'cause I am hungry!

I stabbed the Beowolves in the head with my dagger and cut off two of their legs.

Y/n: Urgh, this way grosser than i'd image...

But what I can do, It's better than starving to death. Even the God hate me.

But eating the meat is probably not a good idea...

Y/n: Wh... What the hell!? What is happening to me!?

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