Level 2

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The room was silent for a few seconds.

Ozpin:"Well, it seems like you are going to be a healer." the perturbed King said.

Y/n:"*sigh* If you wish, your majesty." I bowed.

I felt the stares with a smirk from my fellow male classmates.

I felt like crying but had to stay calm and hope for the best.
There went my chance of being the best.

Ozpin:"Dismissed, and stay weakest one." the King said. I gulped yet again.

Everyone except me, the King, the maid and the Prime Minister gradually left the room.

Ozpin:"So young man, were you telling the truth?" the King asked

Y/n: "Yes your majesty." I said.

Ozpin:"Can you check again for me please." He ordered.

When I check again,my Rank,Aura  and Semblance still don't change.

Y/n: "Nothing change, Sir." I said.

He processed the information slowly, taking his time. He nodded silently.

Ozpin:"Well, I will send you to the library for now, send you to a few fighting lessons tomorrow, and maybe check the medical team to see if you can made a medicine for healing." the King said.

Y/n:"Your majesty, may I ask a few questions?" I asked the King.

Ozpin: Of course.

Y/n: "What kind of tool that we will get anyway?" I asked.

Ozpin: "Well, Glynda will answer that." the King answer.

Glynda: "For your information, you all will be supplied with a Dust and Weapon." she explain

Y/n: "What is Dust by the way?" I asked curiously.

Glynda:" Dust is some sort of crystal or powder with elements. There are 5 kind of Dust, Fire,Electric,Earth,Ice and Gravity." she answer.

I nodded mean by understand.

Y/n: How about the weapon? Are we will make it or the blacksmith will do it?" I asked again.

Glynda: "The weapon is up to you to make it or ask the blacksmiths." she answer.

Y/n: "By the mean 'make it' are the blacksmiths will teach us?" I asked again.

Glynda: "In did." she answer.

Y/n:"*nod* Thanks for the information, Miss." I said.

Y/n: "Then, I will take my leave to the library, your majesty." I said while bowed

I left the throne room and I meet the maid yet again.

???: "I'm sorry for the late introduction, my name is Varmalion, you may call me Vanilla if you like." Vanilla said.

Y/n:"Well Vanilla, may you take me to the library?" I told her.

Vanilla:"Yes,Master." she said to me.

[Meanwhile in the different room]

Cardin: "Wow, he's more useless than I though, hahahaha...." he said while laugh.

(A/n: Stup up, you a**hole or I will bite you to the death!!!)

Russel: Yeah, such a loser. Oh! Almost forgot he already a loser, hahahaha....

The gang laugh about you.

[Team RWBY room]

Ruby:"Why,why,why,why,why!" Ruby screamed into her pillow.

From Commonplace to Remnant Strongest (RWBY X OP Male Reader) [Volume. 1]Where stories live. Discover now