Making Amends--Charlotte

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Charlotte's eyes fluttered open to the light of bright sunshine flooding into her room. She was in her bed, back at the Barracks. No one was in her room.

Charlotte sat up, carefully. Her whole body ached. As she slowly stood up she looked at her left arm.

She remembered it's deep gash down it.

Now, it was nearly gone; just a small scratch remained.

"Feeling better?" a familiar voice spoke.

Charlotte turned quickly, noticing a girl standing in her doorway. She had a long braid down her shoulder.

"Reyna," Charlotte stated.

She looked in better shape then she last saw her. Her leg was bandaged up and she had a small scratch on her face.

"I'm surprised to see you here," she said to her, trying to keep her balance.

"Actually," Reyna started. "I came here to apologize."

Charlotte raised her eyebrows, surprised.

"As the Praetor of Camp Jupiter, I am supposed to trust and protect my fellow campers. I did not do that to you."

Charlotte nodded slightly. "All is forgiven. I treated you the same way."

"Well, if you are up for it, we may have a shot at being friends."

Charlotte smirked. "Sure."

Reyna smiled slightly. "Alright then." She flinched suddenly. "Oh and before I forget, I believe this belongs to you," she said, unsheathing Charlotte's golden sword. Reyna held it out to her.

Charlotte smiled and took her blade. "Thank you."

She nodded and turned to exit the Barracks. "By the way, there's a meeting at the principia soon. I strongly advise that you come."

And just then, Reyna exited the Barracks.

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