Known Identities--Charlotte

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Charlotte led her best friend back to the principia. She would normally give her a tour, but she wanted to get her mission finished with, and she wanted Reyna to get out of her hair.

"Wow," Char breathed as she noticed the principia.

Charlotte ignored her small comments throughout their trip to the Praetors. She did feel slightly bad about it, especially remembering that Char did not even know Charlotte's godly parent, but concluding her mission was more important. She could take Char on a tour of camp later.

As they walked up to the principia, she noticed that Frank and Reyna were already waiting for them at the front doors.

Charlotte brought everyone to a halt at the bottom of the stairs of the principia.

She turned to her soldiers. "I'd like to thank all of my loyal soldiers that accompanied me on this mission. You all are dismissed," she said to them.

Once they departed, Charlotte turned to see Frank grinning at Char and Reyna, arms crossed, watching Char, occasionally glancing at Charlotte.

"Welcome to Camp Jupiter!" Frank said enthusiastically to her friend.

The two Praetors walked down the marble stairs.

She noticed Char biting her lip excitedly. Her friend certainly took this in a good way. Charlotte was glad to see it. The last thing she wanted to deal with was Char terrified. It was not a pretty sight.

Frank held out his hand to shake Char's.

"Hi! I'm-" his words were cut off.

"Frank Zhang. Son of Mars, Descendant of Poseidon," Char stated.

Frank blinked. "Um," he looked at Charlotte. "Did you tell her?" he asked.

"No," she answered, just as shocked as Frank.

Char turned to Charlotte. "Daughter of Jupiter." she stated again.

Charlotte stepped back.

Reyna's eyes widened.

Frank's jaw dropped.

"How did you-" Charlotte tried to ask, but her words were cut short again.

"You're the daughter of Jupiter?!" she exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Charlotte blinked. "That's just it. I didn't tell you. So how do you know?"

Char tilted her head. "I'm not too sure. I just...knew."

Charlotte and Reyna exchanged looks.

"I think I have the slightest idea on who your father is, but I'm not certain," Reyna said to her. "I'm Reyna, Daughter of Bellona."

"At least one of us got a few words in," Frank muttered.

Charlotte coughed slightly to get the Praetors' attention. "By the way, we have eidolons in the area."

Reyna cursed in Latin under her breath.

"Piper said she was coming to camp. She will deal with them if they come," Frank said.

Charlotte nodded. She turned to Char. "Well, now that we know everyone, why don't I take you on a tour of camp?"

Char gasped. "Really?"

Charlotte nodded.

"Then, maybe you can show me your fighting skills. I'm getting the feeling that you are the best swordsmen here!"

Reyna flinched.

"Um, yeah sure," Charlotte answered, obviously getting more freaked out every second.

She quickly led Char away from the principia, as the two Praetors watched them, dumbfounded, as they left.

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