My Best Friend Tried to Kill Me--Char

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 Char could not help but squeal in delight. "I've been claimed!" she exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"I can't believe it," Charlotte breathed, still obviously, dumbfounded by the event that just occurred.

"Can we tell everyone?" she asked, excitedly.

Charlotte shook her head, still trying to pull herself together from being in the presence of a goddess. "Uh, yeah. I'm not too sure if anyone knows you though."

"Well they probably know you!"

She blinked. "Um, yeah. How did you know that?"

Char shrugged. "Lucky guess?"

* * *

"The Coliseum?" Char asked as they walked down the hill.

Charlotte nodded. "It's probably where most people will be right now."

"Or where most of your fans will be," Char joked.

"Stop doing that," Charlotte told her, obviously bothered that she knew too much.

"I can't help it!" she protested.

Charlotte sighed and kept walking as Char was led to the arena.

* * *

Char was amazed at how similar the arena was to the actual Coliseum in Rome.

When the two of them entered, after a moment, they were flooded with cheering from the crowds of demigods.

Char became overwhelmed and glanced at Charlotte, who was waving and smiling at them.

They love her, she thought to herself.

Once the cheering receded to Romans muttering to themselves excitedly, Charlotte led Char into a dark chamber, lit with torch light. The walls were covered in weapons.

"Take your pick," Charlotte smirked.

Char winced. "I didn't think we were fighting."

Charlotte laughed. "We won't fight intensely, I'll just teach you some things so we can find your abilities."

She handed Char a sword. "This one should be good for you." she said to her.

Char looked around the room. She noticed a bow and quiver laying on a nearby barrel.

She picked them up, recalling that Apollo used them, and walked out of the weapon chamber with Charlotte.

* * *

Once Charlotte had helped Char put on her armor, they began training. A few nearby crowds sat in the stands to watch, obviously to see the Daughter of Jupiter in action, but Char prayed that she wouldn't go full force on her.

"So," Charlotte started. "Some demigods have special abilities that correspond to their parents. For example."

Charlotte closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Char saw nothing out of the ordinary, until she saw that Charlotte was not touching the ground anymore.

She opened her eyes and grinned down at her. "I've been working on this for a while."

Char stumbled backwards, speechless.

Charlotte laughed and returned to the ground.

"What do you think I can do?" she asked.

Her friend scratched her head. "Well, we already know you can see parts of the future, but not all the time, and it doesn't seem like you get affected by the sun's rays very much."

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