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Hours passed, eventually the entire school day, and there was still no sign of Charlotte. It was certainly a messed up day. First, Charlotte disappeared into rustling bushes and then a ten page exam was given from a psychopath teacher that most likely wanted Char to get expelled. Thoughts raced through Char's mind as she walked home, alone. She wanted to just run home and cry in her mother's arms, but she knew she was better than that. She needed to maintain hope for the sake of the people she loved.

                                                                  *                  *                 *

"Mom, I'm home," Char called to her mother, as she walked in the door. "Great! I'm in the kitchen!"

Char was questioning if she should tell her mom what happened.

"How was your day, pickles?" she asked, as she was cutting up vegetables.

"Mom, please stop calling me that," she groaned.

Her mom sighed and put down her cutting knife.

"You know your dad gave you that name."

"And you're not dad," Char murmured quietly.

"Anyways, how was your day?"

Char shrugged.

Her mom tilted her head. "What happened this time?"

Char shifted. "My exam was ten pages long, front and back," she decided to avoid mentioning Charlotte's disappearance. "I'm not sure if I did very well."

Char's mom walked over to her and embraced her with a tight hug. "I know school is hard, but I'm sure you did fine."

Char pulled away from the hug and helped her mom cut up the vegetables.

"How did Charlotte do?" she asked. "She seemed to know a lot about Rome."

Char flinched at the question. "Oh, I don't know. Probably pretty well," she stammered. "But she got sick and had to leave school early."

Her mom sighed. "That's too bad. Hopefully she is alright."

Char looked down. "Yeah, I really hope she is."

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Char barely slept that night. One million thoughts raced through her head. Charlotte could have been killed and she did nothing to help her. Char should have followed her. She should have made sure she was alright, instead of running away, like what Charlotte told her to do.

Char stared at her bedroom ceiling. She felt thousands of emotions run over her. She felt helpless, she felt guilty, she felt angry, and most of all, she felt scared. Would she ever see her best friend again?

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