Still Missing--Char

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 Char walked to school again, alone. She stared at her cinnamon roll as she walked down the sidewalk. She wasn't hungry anymore.

Char was tired of not knowing things. She could trust her friends and her family, so why couldn't they trust her?

Suddenly a flash raced by her.

"Cya at school slowpoke!" a voice called.

Valerie and her gang raced past her on skateboards.

Char rolled her eyes.

One day, she thought, One day, she will learn her lesson.

* * *

The bell rang. Students raced to their next class furiously. It reminded Char of a bunch of sharks during a feeding frenzy.

What was her first class?

Char pressed her brain to remember.

She suddenly groaned. History, she thought, miserably, and headed to class.

Maybe, she thought. Just maybe, Charlotte will turn up today.

Sorry about not much dialogue in this chapter! The next one will make up for it! ;)

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