Chapter Thirteen ~Vanessa~

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"What are you doing here?!" I ask.

"Well I-I've come to apologize." He says quickly.

"For what?" I laugh quietly. I sit down in a beanbag next to my bed.

"I didn't mean to cut off our communication so suddenly. Without an explanation." He sighs.

I get off out of my chair without saying anything, and start to pace. "Honestly it's fine. I hardly think about it." Lie! You think about writing to him everyday. "So why did you stop writing all of the sudden?" I ask suddenly out of curiosity.

"Um... well... my mom. My mom has cancer." He chokes. He looks down at his hands and starts to pick at his calluses.

"Oh my god Sean! Why didn't you tell me?!" I feel so bad for him. He had this huge thing on his chest and I was sitting here complaining about my new school. "How is she now?" I ask cautiously.

"Better. So, uh... now that I got that off my chest what can we do?" He ask trying to lighten the mood.

"Before we do anything can we go eat? I'm starving!" Caprice say from behind us. She's leaning against my bed frame beside the door with her purse in her shoulder.

"Uh, yeah sure." I turn to get my purse. "You hungry Sean?"

"I guess so."

"Then let's go. Chop chop people!" Caprice shouts.


We wind up just going to the mall food court a few blocks from our school. Caprice gets A huge plate of Chinese food, but Sean and I get Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches from Charlie's. It's my favorite food place out of the entire food court.

"So, I was hoping that you could show me around New York City a bit and we could get to know each other better." Sean says when Caprice and I sit down.

I look at Caprice and she stares back at me finally she nods toward Sean and I turn back to face Sean. "Well... here's the thing, I'm leaving for California tomorrow."

Ohhh! What is going ot happen?! Stay tunedd for Sean's update. Sorry for the late updates.

-Grace and Liv

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