Chapter Nine ~Vanessa~

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"That's it." I say to myself as I read Sean's note again. He won't write. Ever. I have no idea what's wrong, his notes didn't say anything.

I put the letter into a shoe box along with his other letters, and walk across the room to my closet. There are four more days left if school and this afternoon we're suppose to be packing up.

There is hardly any point to the next four days, everybody has already turned in there end of the year assessments. In fact Caprice is already gone, she and her family left yesterday morning for the Bahamas.

I take a shirt from the closet and shove it in a box. I reach for another one, but then I decided it isn't worth it. I flop down the bed and think about Sean. "You've never met him, you shouldn't be so worried. Maybe he's got a girlfriend who won't let him talk to you." I say to myself.

Even though I keep pep talking myself I still can't get over that Sean won't ever write again.

I keep fighting the urge to write one more letter. Finally I give in, but I promise myself I won't mail it.


Dear Sean,
I'm really disappointed, I guess, that you won't write anymore. I have really enjoyed writing to you over the past four years and I also really liked receiving your letters.

I hope one day we can finally meet. Or even start writing again.
Your pen-pal,


I sigh and place the letter in an empty shoebox. All I can do now is go back to packing. I can't help but wonder, though; how healthy am I, mentally, if I'm writing to myself?

First of all, we want to say we're really sorry about the late updates. Being on holiday kind of makes us forget what day it is. Second, I hope you all had really happy holidays! We know we did :).

-Grace and Liv.

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