Chapter Seven ~Vanessa~

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Dear Sean,
What's wrong? I'm sorry if I upset you about not visiting. I didn't mean to, I'm just getting use to this new school. Please write me back.

Your friend,


I sent Sean five letters and this is the only time I've heard back from him in a month and a half. Before I was mad, now I'm just worried.

Does he hate me now? Is he that mad that I couldn't go to see him? No Vanessa, you've know him for a while, he's not that shallow. I think

Quickly I add a PS on the end of the letter.


P.S. My mom got a bonus this week, maybe I can ask her about visiting you in Tennessee.


I put Sean's address and the school's return address on an envelope. I stick the letter, but I don't seal it yet.

If he's ignoring me then I don't want to keep sending him letters, I don't want to sound needy. After a while I come to the decision that I'll send him one more letter and if he doesn't reply I'll stop.

On my way to the mail room I see Caprice sitting on one of the colorful couches in the main hall. "Why the long face?" I ask as I walk by. My dad use to ask me that all the time when I acted sad to get his attention.

She doesn't answer but instead curls up in a ball. This is not acting, something's wrong. I sit down next to her and place my hand on her knee. Finally she speaks. "Isaac cheated on me!" She sobs. I groan under my breath. I should have known everyone knows Isaac is a player and a cheater, except, apparently, her.

"Come on Caprice!" I laugh and fall on my back. "He's not worth this! Let's find you a good guy, that relationship wasn't going to last much longer anyway." I pull her up off the couch. "Let's go see what is left of the buffet and then go find someone to play monopoly with. Okay?"

She groans but I can tell she's done and over him already.

"I've got to run to the mail room for this, but we can be to the buffet before it closes in five minutes okay? Wanna race?" I smile. Caprice can't resist a dare or a race no matter what mood she's in.

We race done to the mail room and I shove my letter into the outgoing mail slot and start running down to the cafeteria. By the time caprice and I arrive we are both laughing. It's funny how much roommates can improve your mood.

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